Anna University Engineering Colleges Record 84% Pass, Highest in 3 Years; Details Here

Anna University engineering colleges have recorded a whopping 84% of pass percentage in the November 2020 Exams. The results were declared on September 03, 2021. 

On Saturday, September 18, 2021, Anna University released the academic performance data for various colleges. In accordance with the data released, about 332 colleges received 84% of pass percentage in the 2021 academic session. Meanwhile, a total of 400 colleges out of 441 had recorded a pass percentage record of 50% in the 2020 session. 

Contrary to this trend, November/December examination results released for the 2019 session saw PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore as the only AU engineering college to record the highest pass percentage of 83. While only 57 AU affiliated colleges secured a 50% pass record for the 2019 session. 

Referring to the data release, the Anna University Principal stated that the university usually records over 60% to 70% pass data every year, Hence, only selected students are further called for placement opportunities on the campus ground. 

AU Exam 2021 Result Pass Percentage Data (2019-2021)

Nov/Dec Examination

Pass Percentage 

Academic Session 2021


Academic Session 2020


Academic Session 2019


With the increase of pass percentage in 2021's data, the university has around 90% of the final year students who are now eligible to appear for on-campus placement opportunities. 

However, experts have shown another side to this result, stating that these records are not a true reflection of students’ quality and college education facilities. The results were boosted this year due to the unsupervised online examination. The examination for AU students was conducted in the month of July 2021 in online mode. 

“We have recorded an increase in the pass percentage due to inflated results and online commencement of the examination”, the AU Affiliated college principal further stated. The results might drop soon after the commencement of physical exams. 

Also Read: Anna University Permits Students to Undergo Summer Online Courses Instead of Internships
