AP POLYCET Result 2020 Declared @polycetap.nic.in, Direct Link Here

October 9, 2020: AP POLYCET 2020 result is declared on the official website: polycetap.nic.in or manabadi.co.in.

Students who appeared for the AP POLYCET 2020 can check their respective Rank Card and counselling details on the website of POLYCET; @polycetap.nic.in. A total of 60,780 candidates qualified for the exam

A total of 88314 students had registered for AP POLYCET, out of which more than 71 thousand students appeared for the examination. As per the analysis score, 81.06% of total registered students appeared for the AP POLYCET 2020 examination.

Andhra Pradesh Technical Education Commissioner stated that overall the examination of POLYCET 2020 was conducted in 388 examinations across the Andhra Pradesh state. 

Read: AP POLYCET 2020 Answer Key Released for All Sets, Download Here

AP POLYCET Result 2020: Highlights

For more details, check the AP POLYCET 2020 Highlights Table below:

AP POLYCET 2020 Highlights

Name of the Conducting Board

State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh

Exam Name

AP Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (POLYCET) 2020


27th September 2020

AP POLYCET Results Date

9th October 2020

AP POLYCET Result Direct Link

Check Here

Official Website


Andhra Pradesh Common Entrance Examination for Polytechnic (POLYCET-2020) was conducted on September 27, 2020. The result for the same is now available for students to check at polycetap.nic.in.

Students need to have a minimum of 30% marks in their entrance examinations in order to successfully pass the exam. Students who have received less than 30% of the entrance examination score will not be eligible for the further seat allotment during the admission.

The total marks of the exam are 120, out of which students need to achieve a minimum of 36 marks to pass the examination.

For reserved category candidates, no minimum percentage is required to qualify the AP POLYCET 2020 examination. 

According to the marks achieved by the students, they will be assigned with rankings. In the seat allotment process for Diploma Courses, priority will be given to students with high rankings. 

Read: AP POLYCET 2020 Application Form(Extended), Registration, Process and Fees

Students will be allotted to different programs on the basis of the AP POLYCET score. 

The exam authority has followed all the necessary precautions and care while evaluating marks to students. Therefore the request for revaluation of marks will not be considered by the exam authority. 

In case of a tie in rankings, the students will be selected on the basis of their marks in the order mathematics, physics, and Date of birth entered in the S.S.C Certificate of the student respectively. Students who are born earlier will have a higher rank.

If the tie is still not resolved, students who will have higher marks in their respective qualification entrance tests will be considered to have a higher rank.

AP POLYCET Result 2020: How to Check Rank Card?

Students who appeared for the AP POLYCET 2020 examination can check their AP POLYCET 2020 Results by following the steps mentioned below: 

  • Visit the official website of POLYCET AP; polycetap.nic.in. 
  • From the home page click on "AP Polycet 2020 Results".
  • On the next page, enter your hall ticket number to log in and click on the "submit button".
  • Verify your details on your POLYCET result 2020 from the screen and click on download to save your result for future use.

After the declaration of the AP POLYCET 2020 Result, students will be able to continue their respective courses from their college. 

Check: Top Colleges in Andhra Pradesh 

The rank of the students will be sent through SMS on candidates registered mobile number. The scanned copies of student OMR sheets will also be available to check on the POLYCET website. 

Students can check the AP POLYCET 2020 result from the following website: 

  • polycetap.nic.in,
  • sbtetap.gov.in,
  • schools9.com,
  • www.manabadi.com,
  • eenadupratibha.net
  • www.vidyavision.com,
  • www.indiaresults.com.

In case of any glitches or errors faced during checking the results, students are advised to contact the student helpline cell of POLYCET 2020 for assistance.

Read: AP POLYCET 2020 Practice Papers, Sample Papers, and Mock Tests
