Ashoka University Offers Merit Cum Means Scholarship for Science Students for Academic Year 2022-23; Details Here

New Delhi: As per the latest updates, Ashoka University has recently announced its first-ever Merit-cum-Means Scholarship for undergraduate science stream students for the academic session 2022-23. 

Ashoka University Offers Merit Cum Means Scholarship for Science Students for Academic Year 2022

Under this scholarship program, Ashoka University will offer financial assistance to undergraduate students who are pursuing a major in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, or Computer Science. 

As per the university, Ashoka University Scholarship 2022 will offer 25 need-based financial aid to students based on class 12th score and merit list released by the university. 

Out of the total selected students, top five students will receive a 100% fee waiver on tuition and residence, while the remaining 20 students will be awarded with a waiver of 100 percent on their respective tuition fee. 

While talking about the scholarship, Ashoka University officials stated that interested candidates are required to confirm their offer of admission as per the existing holistic Ashok University Admission 2022

“Students are then screened for their eligibility to avail of this scholarship basis their academic Cut-Offs based on Class XII Board Marks or National Entrance Tests,” the official further added.

Ashoka University Merit Cum Means Scholarship 2022: Eligibility Criteria 

Following the statement made by AU, the screening criteria released by the university will include marks of students in their ICSE or CBSE Class 12th Board Exam. The marks should be 98 percent and above for board students. 

“The criteria required for the screening based on Class XII Board Marks will be a score of 98 percent and above for students from the CBSE/ICSE board, or an IB score of 41/42, or those with Cambridge A*A*A grade,” it said. 

Check the detailed eligibility criteria to apply for the screening process for Ashoka University Merit Cum Means Scholarship 2022 mentioned below: 

  • Minimum 98% percent marks in ICSE or CBSE Class 12th Board Exam. 
  • IB score of 41/42, or those with Cambridge A*A*A grade,” it said. 
  • Minimum 98% and above in JEE Main Exam OR Minimum rank of 600 or higher in National Entrance Tests Or Valid Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Scholarship received in the year 2021

“Shortlisted candidates based on the predefined eligibility criteria will receive an invitation to apply for the Merit Scholarship. Candidates are required to submit a form with a Statement Of Purpose (SOP) and the latest Income Tax Return of their parents/guardians,” AU officials said.

Also Read: Ashoka University- Course & Fees Details
