The Association of Indian Management Schools has released the link of the demo test for the AIMS Test for Management Admission (ATMA) 2020. It is compulsory for the candidates to take the demo test. Due to the pandemic, AIMS has decided to have the exam proctored by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The actual examination will be given on 6 July.
A notice regarding this has been released on the official website of the institute, along with the link for the demo test.
The ATMA is held four to five times a year for candidates who want to pursue MBA in different institutes that will accept the score.
Revised Dates for ATMA 2020 May
Events | Dates |
ATMA Demo Test Link | 2 July 2020 |
ATMA Admit Card | 4 July 2020 |
ATMA 2020 | 6 July 2020 |
How to take the ATMA Demo Test?
To take the ATMA demo test, follow these steps:
- Click on the official link of ATMA 2020.
- A pop-up window will open. Candidates will have to click on the demo test link.
- Choose the examination session, enter the PID and the password.
- Click on the login tab.
- Start the demo test.
The ATMA question paper is divided into six sections. The paper will test the analytical reasoning, quantitative skills and verbal skills of the candidate. There are a total of 180 MCQs to be attempted. The paper is three hours long and is worth 180 marks, with one mark awarded for every right answer. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted.