Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University will conduct BVP CET 2020 as a home-based test.

This has been confirmed by the helpdesk for admission to BVP CET 2020. Currently, the BVP CET 2020 exam dates are August 10, 2020 (first test) and August 16, 2020 (second test).
Additionally, as per the Admission Helpdesk, the BVP CET 2020 Admit Card will be issued early.
Registered candidates will be able to access their BVP CET Admit Card 2020 at by logging in to the applicant portal using their application number and password.
BVP CET application form 2020 for the first test is available in online mode till August 3 while the application forms for the second test are available till August 9. BVP CET 2020 application process includes steps of registration, uploading documents, filling of application form, and payment of the fee.
What is Home Based Proctored Test?
Home Based Proctoring enables students to write a test online in a remote location while maintaining the integrity of the test. Students must confirm their identity and they may be monitored through video. This video is then used to flag any irregular student behaviour.
Online Testing has been around for the last 20 years in different formats. The most common type of online test is an objective test which tests a candidate on their subject knowledge or is used to understand his or her learning ability or behavioural profile.
To take an online proctored test from remote location candidates need:
- A suitable device (Desktop PC/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile)
- An Internet connection with at least 256kbps speed
- A functional webcam and a mic
- In PC/Laptop, any of the modern browsers
Types of Home Based Proctoring
There are three main types of proctoring:
Live Online Proctoring
In a live proctored test, a qualified proctor monitors the candidates, audio-video and screen share feeds in real time.
Record Proctoring
In this method, no proctor is monitoring the feed in real time. Instead, the audio-video and screen share feeds of the test candidates are recorded during the test.
Advanced Automated Proctoring
Automated proctoring is the most advanced form of proctoring. Here again, the audio-video and screen share feeds of the test candidates are recorded during the test.