Sri. P. Raja Rao is presently serving as the Chairman & Founder at Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai. With the Prathyusha Educational Trust, he has been a visionary in developing and educating students residing in rural areas in and around the state. He has instituted various initiatives towards the welfare of the staff and students and has sponsored many faculty for higher studies and for presentations in International Conferences also. He has been recognized by AICTE and Times of India Group for his efforts towards education and was awarded the Edupreneur Award, 2012 as well. 

Prathyusha Engineering College

What are your views on the recent developments in the education sector?

“Fruitful bridging of industry-academia relationships”

Earlier, there used to be a wide gap between the Industry and Academia, but for the past few years, both of these aspects of education have been brought under one roof for better understanding, meaning and purposeful curriculum. Industry orientation by way of Internships, Industrial Visits, Guest Lectures etc. have come up a long way in dissipating quality education and potential practical exposure among students. However, the best result is yet to be achieved by remaining in close quarters.

How do you strategize the key plans for the administration of your college?

“Basic objectives with pre-planned approaches”

We at Prathyusha chalk out a need-based action plan at the beginning of every academic session based on the industry trends and educational requirements of students. Taking the action plan as guidance, we train and groom our students to be industry ready and thus make their future career prosperous. We firmly believe in teamwork, and our faculty and staff members are committed to the vision and mission of the college, leading to successful administration of the college. 

What are your plans for PEC in future with regards to global diversity?

“More collaboration and outcome based training”

Global diversity of students in varied streams of education including science, technology, engineering and medicine is the need of the hour. We at Prathyusha have planned to develop strategic partnerships with a few countries in the west to embark on the best standards globally. However, we tend to remain a comparatively simple, personal and highly focused institution committed to the pursuit of excellence in Teaching, Learning, Training and Grooming.

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What do you think should be PEC’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Creating forward-seeking and responsible students for the nation”

Our top priority would be to make as many as entrepreneurs in order to achieve our objective of making our students job providers instead of remaining job seekers. We also visualize that more students should be engaged in research for better production and economic growth of our country. We aspire to create socially responsible citizens who ensure sustainability, and peace and prosperity to all our fellow human beings.

What do you see as Prathyusha Engineering College’s greatest strengths?

“Great expertise and 100% placement of students”

The greatest strength of our college is that we place each and every student who is keen to take up a job irrespective of their academic achievements. There is a job for every individual student who is keen to don the mantle of an employee in an industry or emerge as an entrepreneur. The women students of our college, especially, are being trained and groomed in such a manner that they occupy the top slot in each and every walk of life. The dedicated and committed team work of our faculty members beyond the call of duty and the mentoring system help us in a larger way to achieve the above results and thus bring laurels and honor to the institution.

How is PEC coping up with the changes put in due to COVID pandemic?

“Digital shift in teaching, learning and placement training pedagogy”

Though the killer pandemic is a stumbling block in the smooth and effective functioning of our education system, we have learnt to overcome it with courage and fortitude. It is a fact that the teaching and learning process is not happening in a face to face manner, but it has not hampered our progress. The academic activities via Google and Zoom meet are carried out on a regular basis. Our placement is also not lagging behind as we organize the training and grooming by virtual mode of study, and in fact 95% of our students have already been placed in reputed industry, corporate, etc. The entire gamut of our teaching, learning, training and grooming is organized online through advanced softwares and applications to ensure a defined progress of students.

Click Prathyusha Engineering College Placement

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

“Better outcome based education and curriculum design aspects”

The biggest, we foresee, for the higher education sector is the scope for each and every stream. There are many streams of engineering and technical education without proper scope, and hence the students are found in cross roads even after obtaining their degrees. The higher education department should spell out the practical scope for each stream of engineering and thus guide the students in the right path and enable them to make their future career. Another specific challenge for engineering institutes is restrictions and limitations with regard to curriculum and training pattern of private colleges. They do not have the liberty to choose and frame our own curriculum to meet the requirement of the industry and thus impacts the employability rate. Each and every engineering institution in the country should have autonomy to design its own curriculum in consultation with industry experts to bridge the wider gap between academia and industry.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Learn to fight and live courageously”

The youth of our society should learn to meet the challenges of life with courage and fortitude. We do not know what is in store for us tomorrow. We have to meet the challenges of life with proper education, training and grooming. The youth of our nation have a reservoir of knowledge and energy, but need to apply and implement at the right time at the right place. The youth has to rise to the occasion to maintain peace and prosperity to our nation by their hard work, dedication and commitment.