ISBR Business School, Bangalore

Dr. Y. Lakshman Kumar (YLK) has an experience spanning over 30 years in Sales Management, Brand Management, Marketing, Teaching, Training, Consulting, Placements, Academics, Examinations and Institution building. From humble beginnings as a lecturer to leading a university as the Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr. YLK has vast experience in the academic arena. He has been part of the prestigious technology & management institutes of India as a visiting faculty.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style? 

“Teamwork and participative leadership is the pathway to better decision making of the institute”

My leadership style is based on my value system and the experience that I have had over the last three decades. If I have to give it a name, then I would say it’s a collaborative style of leadership that is driven by a specific vision. Build relationships and trust with clear communication for professional development, initiating new initiatives, changing instructional practices, all of which will align with a shared vision. Recognizing and appreciating my team members based on their performance is key to motivate and encourage team-spirit, thereby empowering them to have an Innovator’s mindset.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school? 

“Digital media and online marketing for branding and innovative objectives”

Today it’s all about making a roar, rather be trending in the digital space. So enhancing our social media presence and engaging our audience with relevant content will give us the mileage that we are looking for. Online engagement is a crucial area that we are working on. And we do not just look at this as a Marketing strategy but rather as a sustainable model for creating and disseminating knowledge thereby engaging the learners. Our International collaborations and accreditations do give us the backing support to accelerate our plunge forward. 

How does the curriculum of ISBR Business School ensure the best practice of the industry? 

“Industry ready students through activities for practical learning and work experience”

Our curriculum is regularly vetted by an Academic Council comprising renowned academicians and industry experts. The pedagogy is the key differentiator that changes the experience of a student in the class. And we ensure that our pedagogy delivers experiential learning to a student. So to mention a few of our initiatives, we have a series of industry leaders who deliver short term courses on campus apart from the regular corporate interactions, we offer internal interning opportunities and Student assistantship to students to have hands-on experience at administration. 

Check ISBR Business School, Bangalore Courses & Fees

Any insights into how your college could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds? 

“The college promotes anti-racism and opposes non-discrimination among students”

We have students from across almost all states of our country. The diversity in the student body is a boon for us, as our students will automatically get trained to be more adaptive to a very diverse cross-cultural environment. We follow a neutral policy, appreciate every culture and tradition. We have numerous celebrations on campus and all of them are student-driven. This encourages cross-cultural learning very passively.

What do you think should be the top priority of ISBR Business School over the next 10 years? 

“Increase of college’s ranks and reputation”

Having sustained over 30 years in the Education Sector, ISBR in the next 10 years should be amongst the Top 50 Business Schools in the world. Recently we got platinum institute grading fifth year consecutively from AICTE – CII. We also got the Best Industry linked Institute award in emerging category, all India.

What do you see as ISBR Business School's greatest strengths? 

“Segment of academia structure and circular activities”

  • Academics 
  • Industry Mentorship
  • Skills Development training interventions from the dedicated Personal Transformation Department leading making the students Industry Ready making our placements stronger

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for ISBR Business School specifically? 

“The cost cure held to the students for quality education”

Staying relevant to all the stake-holders and sustaining the momentum of growth, in this VUCA world is a challenge that all of us will be facing. The quality learning is deserved by every particular being and students under the cost affordable by everyone.

Click ISBR Business School, Bangalore Placement

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students? 

“Work hard and chase your dreams with passion”

Keep it simple, work hard, and chase your dreams. Never leave any opportunities to be left undone. Hard work is the primary key to success.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute? 

“Holistic atmosphere and open communication among faculties and students”

We are here today; standing strong is because we have a strong team. As I mentioned earlier open, transparent, and vision-driven processes are our key to success. 

How are placements and internship numbers for ISBR Business School?

“Placement cell with high collaborations for every student in the college”

Though we place more than 90% of our students in well-known corporations, what we really can boast about is the fact that the employability skills of our students are well refined and this will accelerate their career much faster. Our strategic location and the well-networked placement department has been successful in onboarding with more than 250 national and MNC’s from different functional domains. This year 95% of our students are already into their internships.