Dr. Sandhya Agarwal is the Principal of Geeta Bajaj Women Teacher Training Institute, Jaipur. She is known in academic circles as one of the most reputed educationists. She has always had a keen interest in the education industry and her long career of 29 years shows that. She holds a Master's degree in economics and a Master's and Ph.D. in Education.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“Sense of fulfilment and responsibility keeps me connected to the field of education”
Initially, I started in the education field because my parents belonged to it, my father was an HoD at a government college and my mother was a deputy director. This made me realize at an early age that education is one of the best professions there is.This is what has kept me connected with this sector.
What is your philosophy of leadership?
“One’s leadership style should be democratic, it should reflect all stakeholders opinions”
I first started as a lecturer at Geeta Bajaj Institute then became the Principal after many years of teaching. The main quality of a good leader should be listening to the ones who we work with. We should listen to others and make sure that they know and feel that their opinion matters. A leader should teach, support, guide, and motivate the staff.
Check Geeta Bajaj Women Teacher Training Institute Courses & Fees
How does the curriculum of your Institute ensure the best practice of the industry?
“Providing skill-based, quality education to build excellent teachers for the future”
I am proud to say that Geeta Bajaj Institute is one of the best-reputed institutes in Rajasthan. At Geeta Bajaj Institute we work hard to maintain good quality and an excellent standard of education so that we can give good teachers to society.
What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?
“To reformulate educational policies and programs according to NEP 2020”
Under the new education policy, the classic B.Ed. program of 2 years would be eliminated. According to the new policy, teaching degrees would be designed in an integrated way. Our priority would be to switch to this methodology while maintaining our high standards of education.
What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?
“Disregard and insufficient attention towards our field is an ongoing challenge”
In my opinion, B.Ed. colleges don’t get the same respect and treatment as other higher education institutes. Senior dignitaries don’t consider B.Ed. to be a serious course and due to this, we are left out of many policies and circulars. This has been deemed to be a very big challenge. Also, lack of coordination is another big challenge that has hampered the overall development of teaching development.
Read Geeta Bajaj Women Teacher Training Institute Faculty
Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?
“Be an honest and hardworking professional; become a teacher that supports overall growth of students”
To students pursuing an education in teaching, be kind to your pupils, think about their future and how it affects our society and our country. We as teachers should also be concerned about their physical, and mental health. Have humility and be kind, this is the only way to succeed as a teacher. Our students today should be good enough to become leaders of tomorrow in their respective fields.