Dr. N. Kumar is presently working as Vice-Chancellor at TNAU, Coimbatore. He was conferred with a number of academic and national awards like LifeTime Achievement Award (2019) and Best Vice-Chancellor Award (2020). He has secured and spearheaded 20 external agency funded projects including five International projects as well. Also, he has contributed an array of publications including textbooks, Internationally acclaimed research papers and technical bulletins. He was also involved in signing several MoUs including three with foreign Universities; and is an active member of several professional bodies and academic societies.
What latest program do you offer that helps students stand apart from the crowd?
“Multifold course and internship programmes with diverse applications”
As recommended by the Fifth Deans’ Committee of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), TNAU has initiated a few new programs. Student READY (Rural and Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana) undergraduate program wherein students attend Experiential Learning (EL), Rural Agriculture Work Experience (RAWE), In Plant Training andIndustrial Attachment, Hands-on Training (HOT) and Skill Development Training including Students Projects. To cope with the recent technological and scientific developments, like realizing the importance of climate change, market competitiveness, information technology, entrepreneurship, and graduates employability etc. we have introduced courses like Environmental Studies and Disaster Management, Communication Skills and Personality Development, Information and Communication Technology, Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management, Agricultural Informatics, Economics and Marketing. In addition to the already existing Dual Degree program, TNAU has also introduced Internship programs and Sandwich programs with International Institutions under the National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP – ICAR).
What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt?
“Diverse choice based course line according to student’s interest”
As prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and ICAR, the Choice Based Credit System is there in this program. There are around 20 modules in the program from which the students have to choose any 02 modules only. Due to this choice, the students can walk across different disciplines if they are interested. A student can pursue subjects according to his/her choice and can gain knowledge in accordance with their career goals. Moreover, the courses being residential in nature, paves way for the students to become self-reliant and self vibrant.
How do you strategize the successful administration of your University?
“Delegation of team at various levels and commitment with a Zeal”
At the outset, in TNAU, there is an integrated approach for the development of the students. There is a separate ‘Education Section' which is headed by the Dean/ Principal, who is in charge of all the educational activities supported by Professor (Education) and Academic Coordinators. For easy management, students admitted in every batch are assigned with a year coordinator who is the point of contact between the Education Section and students. Additionally, a faculty is nominated as academic coordinator (ward-counsellor) to small groups (4-5 students) who mentor these students academically and personally. We also teach a lot of other things like teamwork, a sense of unity and adjustment, increasing mutual cooperation and sympathy to students.
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What would you say are the best practices in the course you’re offering?
“A well-balanced curriculum with coordinated theory and practical sessions”
The classes for all the courses are implemented judiciously in such a way that one hour of theory class is supplemented with two and half hours of practical class to ensure excellence in practical ability of the students. Further, there is a holistic distribution of the courses in the undergraduate degrees in all the disciplines offered to inculcate the Basics, Principles, methodologies and Skills in a systematic way. In the I year, Basic and fundamental (traditional) knowledge is given, II & III Year is incorporated with Principles (Technology) and Production system respectively for improving talent. In the final and IV year, we have Skill and Entrepreneurship development training for promoting Trading.
How do the programs ensure that students are being prepared for the future?
“Developing multi level skills and learning capabilities”
In the final year, the students are completely engrossed in applying their theoretical knowledge learned during the previous three years under the Student READY program. A course on “Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management” is being offered to all the UG programs at TNAU to enhance the entrepreneurial ability of the students. Another course “Managerial Skills for Agribusiness” is also offered under the Experiential Learning module during the final year wherein interested students have the choice to opt this course under the Choice Based Credit System. The Technology Incubation Centres (TIBs) and University Innovation Cluster (UIC) housed at TNAU periodically organizes Boot Camps for the students. A separate unit under Dean (Students’ Welfare) functions to impart soft skill training to the students and organizes coaching for various entrance exams to enable the students to prepare for higher studies (ICAR, CAT) and employment like UPSC, State Government jobs, Banking etc. besides preparing them for International admissions.
How do you train your faculty to deliver the program to the students?
“Improving the competency, quality and knowledge”
TNAU implements improvements by making the faculty to undergo training as a requisite for assessment and promotion to higher grade. Faculty of TNAU are encouraged to undergo various training organized by ICAR, such as induction training for scientists at entry level, overseas training for global exposure in key emerging areas. Further, faculty undergo training programs recommended under Centre for Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) exclusively on the new subjects and courses conducted periodically for the benefit of the faculty in State Agricultural Universities (SAUs). Also, TNAU in association with National and International organizations like National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (Chennai), ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural Research and Management (Hyderabad), Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institution (Bangkok) to name a few, imparts training to the faculties periodically. Apart from these, a separate Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Faculty Development Cell (FDC) are established in TNAU which is functioning under the Directorate of Planning and Monitoring, TNAU, Coimbatore.
How do you tend to build an industry-connect with the programs?
“Varied industrial practices and training projects”
The components of the Student READY program includes RAWE and In-Plant training. As a component under RAWE, the students are tied to an Agri-business firm where they study the business activities, projects, managerial functions viz., planning, supervision, delegation, communication, budgeting, and related aspects. Under In-Plant training, the students are tied up to agro-based industries. Apart from this, there are Technology Incubation Centres and Agri-Business Consortium in TNAU which build an industry-connect to TNAU. Most of the time, the agriculture related projects are formulated based on real time problems encountered by the stakeholders.
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What are the benefits and career options after pursuing the course?
“Exponential skill growth and dynamic sectors to work with”
The students gain more exposure to the practical aspects which instil more confidence in them. This will in turn have a profound impact and helpful in implementing the new initiatives of the Government, viz., Make-in-India, Start-up-India, Skill India etc. Also, students undergoing the program have more relevant practical skills, entrepreneurial aptitude, self-employment, leadership qualities and confidence while graduating. Other career options include UPSC jobs, State Government jobs, banking sectors, agro-industries, etc.