Surya Sorot has graduated from DCRUST Murthal, Haryana. He converted IIM Kashipur with a CAT Score of 98 Percentile. He is a brilliant student having work experience of working in UltraTech Cement in Middle Management

Surya Sorot Profile

Current institute: IIM Kashipur

Course Opted for: PGDM 

Graduation College: DCRUST Murthal, Haryana

Email Id:

Exam Taken: CAT

IBSAT Score: 98 Percentile

10th Percentage/ GPA: 90.6

12th Percentage / GPA: 79.6

Graduation Percentage/ GPA: 66.8

Work Experience: worked in UltraTech Cement in Middle Management

Check: IIM Kashipur Courses & Fees

IIM Kashipur Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Surya: General (No reservation)

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)

Surya: WAT was organized offline.10 minutes were provided to each participant for the WAT/ GD. It was a healthy and moderate GD and everyone got a chance to put forward their points 

Tips: It is important to present a balanced point of view with a conclusion at the end

What was the WAT / GD Topic ?

Surya: GD Topic– Caste based promotion 

What were your answers / points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively ?

Surya: Points put Forward

  1. Spoken against the topic
  2. Promotion & Evaluation should be done in performance basis
  3. Inclusion at top echelons of power based on caste.

Responses: I explained the disadvantages of the topic with proper examples

Describe the general setting of your Interview.

Surya: The mode of interview was offline.There were 5 panels and 2 members in a panel in each interview. The panel comprised the faculty and HOD. The interview went for around 20 minutes. It was an easy going interview, more of a discussion based. The interview process was quite interactive with the panel members.

Tips: Candidates should answer questions which they are confident of and don't try to make up stories

Check: IIM Kashipur Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you. and your responses to each of them.


  1. Tell me about yourself ?

Answer: provided the details about educational qualifications, hobbies, family background etc 

  1. What is your opinion about Current turmoil in Haryana regarding reservation? 

Answer: I explained the reason for the turmoil and how the situation could be handled.

  1. Technical question about my graduation
  1. What major do you want to choose and why?

Answer: I told them that I don't have any preference as of now I will go and see all the courses and then take an informed decision based on data.

  1. What other calls do you have apart from IIM Kashipur

Check: IIM Kashipur Ranking

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Surya: Reasons for choosing XLRI:

1) Advantage of Home location 

2) Pedagogy such as case study method, corporate exposure etc

3) Advantage of comparatively less Batch size in IIM Kashipur. 

Check: IIM Kashipur Reviews

What was the reason for you not converting other colleges? (if any)


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