With a tee-off of 7:00 AM at the lush greens of the Poona Club Golf Course, The Lexicon Group of Institutes hosted its first ever Golf Tournament. A unique gathering of sportsmen and women, this tournament was hosted as an unprecedented opportunity for students to interact with corporate heads of Pune city. Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence is an all-India nationally ranked (#23 by the Times B-School Rankings) Business School, and is home to more than 500 students pursuing their post-graduate courses in Management Studies. 

This grand Lexicon Golf Tournament was an unprecedented opportunity for Management students to spend the day with the most renowned names of the Pune business world. Vice Chairman of The Lexicon Group and Executive Director of Lexicon MILE, Dr Neeraj Sharma said, “There is no better way to tee off your future corporate careers than to interact with the leaders of the corporate world! From CEOs, CFOs, Management and Trustees, this grand Lexicon Gold Tournament will host the who’s who of the industry, and this is a once in a lifetime chance for all of our Management students to network and be inspired.” Lexicon’s ‘Dynamic-Duo’ of President, Mr. Pankaj Sharma and Dr. Neeraj Sharma are avid golfers themselves and are often seen at the course or the driving range in the early hours of the morning. 

Lexicon MILE - Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence

Over 100 players participated in this tournament, and displayed impeccable skills that require technique on the golf course, as well as focus of the mind and the body. This tournament was a learning experience for the Lexicon MILE students as they were able to witness how management leaders carry themselves in social settings, as well as how they master a craft outside of their professional careers. In this fun-filled afternoon, all the illustrious sportspersons also shared their career journeys with the students accompanying them. 

This was not just a Golf Tournament; it was a two-fold initiative for our students. First, this was an opportunity for our Management students to interact with these great business minds and for them to get this exposure of interaction; and second, all of the money raised today will be used to subsidize education for our students with special needs at The Lexicon Rainbow School,” remarked Mr. Pankaj Sharma, President, The Lexicon Group. 

Ranked #1 for its CSR initiatives by the Times School Survey, The Lexicon Group contributes its valuable time, efforts and money towards the community. While this is the only event of this stature organized for students in India, it is also noteworthy that all the proceeds of this event will be invested in providing subsidized education to the students of the charitable organization, The Lexicon Rainbow School. A school for children diagnosed with learning difficulties, developmental delays and special needs, The Lexicon Rainbow School is pioneering the harmonized education format of blending both academics and therapy. The funds collected from the Golf Tournament will be invaluable for all the students who will be benefitting from this education. 

This tournament paved the way for learning beyond the classrooms, and giving students a chance to meet people who will inspire them to be ambitious and successful men and women of the industry. In line with the innovative pedagogy of Lexicon MILE, the students are always given experiences and opportunities that challenge them to perform in the real-world settings, as well as apply their knowledge and understandings in non-textbook based theoretical education. Lexicon MILE lays emphasis on experiential learning to supplement traditional teaching methods. There are several elements of the curricula, such as internships, care-studies, excursions, seminars and professional interactions which make the Lexicon MILE students more adept in the professional settings after graduation. This Golf Tournament was an event which was organized keeping our students at the centre, and pushing the boundaries of learning from the classroom to the real world.