Dr Dimple Pawar Arya is presently serving as Deputy Registrar (Officiating Registrar) at Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice, Jodhpur. With more than 19 years of experience, he is responsible for development of research and new courses in the University. Also, he has attended several conferences and seminars, and conducted a number of developmental programs for students as well. 


What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Independent and democratic leading”

My leadership style is quite democratic wherein the teammates participate and are given freedom to express their views. After analysing all aspects, best decisions are taken with affirmation of majority individuals and responsive debates. Although there may be few cases which have to be solved immediately and require instant solutions, I take it as a necessary step for the overall benefit of the organization. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here at your University? 

“Effective learning and research collaboration for maximum benefit”

Our university is specific and one of its kinds with the main aim to develop professionalism in Policing and Justice Services. Community policing is a critical aspect, and very few institutions are providing such courses. We believe that one could become an effective Police officer by learning professional courses related to the job. Policing is a service that needs to be handled professionally, so this concept of teaching the aspirants came into the picture. Apart from teaching, research work is also our prime motive through which society can be benefitted. 

Check Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice Courses & Fees

What do you think are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Bring in credibility and productivity in students”

To the students, our responsibility is to give the best facilities, faculty experience and course curriculum. We have a separate team for placements and strive to make all the students placed in various organisations in India. We also take care of skill development with the help of in-house and visiting faculties through guest lectures, seminars and conferences. We also focus on personality development and language development among students to increase their productivity and growth. 

What would you like people to know about your University they may not know?

“Specialized courses and advanced facilities”

The programs and courses in our university are unique and different from any other university. We recently introduced a course called Security Management offering solid research and opportunities in the government sector. Also, we have carved courses that could cater for the needs of the private sector too. Moreover, we have well-developed infrastructure and expert faculty as the organization’s support system. 

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship with students in your University?

“Problem solving and availability of resources for students”

We have our systems in place to hear the problems of the students and solve them regularly. With the help of a separate Grievance Cell, we ensure that no problems faced by the students go unaddressed. Academically, we ensure the availability of all required books and journals and open library facilities to ensure a pleasant environment. 

Click Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice Placement

Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?

“Hard work, determination, perseverance and consistency”

Students have to work hard, and there are no shortcuts to achievements. One has to burn the midnight oil to see success with full colours. Determination and perseverance are the tools to master any skill. Stay consistent on your paths and never give up.