National Institute of Bank Management

Dr. Arindam Bandyopadhyay is the Acting Director & Dean of Education at the National Institute of Bank Management, Pune. He has been a motivation to all his students and holds an experience of more than sixteen years in this institute.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The evolved perspective of the institute to make it foremost for learning about banking”

I had joined the institute as a faculty member in 2004 just after submitting my Ph.D. I am throughout with NIBM and have seen how our PGDM course has evolved. Its mandate is to play a proactive role in the “think-tank” of the banking system. The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (the central bank of the country), is the Chairman of the Governing Board. The institute is helping the managers in their endeavor to make their organizations competitive both in domestic and international markets. It is a great institution in disseminating banking knowledge. I am a part of this academic vision of my institute. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Positive attitude and participative leadership to develop a better learning of the banking sector”

 I believe in leading the team as a member and empowering other members to achieve the goal with a positive attitude and institutional belongingness. We are committed to providing quality education for growth and development in the banking sector in India through quality teaching, training, consultancy, and research. 

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“The initiation of activity-based learning and practical knowledge”

  • NIBM provides a strong foundational knowledge and skillset which is the key to long-term success. 
  • It is a very comprehensive program and provides practical insights into Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Bank Lending, Business Strategy, Quantitative Finance, Treasury Operations, and Marketing Analytics. 
  • NIBM conducts an annual seminar, colloquium, summit, executive training programs to keep industry interactions and participation. 
  • We also explore institutional relationships through internship and banking projects for our students in all relevant areas in banking. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“The overall development of the institute to provide quality education”

The greatest strength of the NIBM course is its focus on banking and finance. It is the first institute in India to offer a two-year AICTE approved fully residential PGDM course with specialization in Banking and Finance. This two years fully residential course in a lush green beautiful campus in a good location in Pune city with all modern facilities has a rigorous contemporary curriculum. The course contains knowledge-based pedagogy combined with practical inputs from the industry. Faculty members are constantly publishing their research-based articles in reputed national and international journals. 

Check National Institute of Bank Management Courses & Fees

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of the industry?

“Association for several seminars and experiential learning”

 NIBM has evolved certain methods of learning and problem-solving approaches. Research studies conducted by the faculty members regularly form the first pillar of their academic strength. Secondly, the insight developed by the faculty while providing consulting support to banks and financial institutions is unique. The third important source of knowledge is the seminars & executive training in which practice bankers and academicians present papers and participate in discussions on strategic, operational, and managerial aspects of banking and finance. 

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Non-discrimination among the students and every member of the institute”

Our course entry is purely based on merit and we receive participation from pan India. The institute also provides scholarship facilities to students based on merit and need. We also facilitate availing education loan facilities from banks. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“Encouragement and motivation to the students and the faculty to deliver their best”

Role as a mentor, guide, motivator to facilitate the learning process and encourage students to prosper in their careers. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To get the university in the top ranking for banking in the Nation”

 Focus on the innovative learning process for the banking and financial sector. Groom a new pool of young talented executives to shoulder managerial responsibilities with their analytical rigor, quantitative aptitude, and pragmatic insights. National Institute of Bank Management strives to deliver the latest banking knowledge and upgrade skills as required by the industry.

Click National Institute of Bank Management Placement

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“The repute the institute holds with the association for learning from RBI”

NIBM’s greatest strength is its faculty, beautiful campus, and support of the Reserve Bank of India. Research studies initiated by the faculty members form the foundation of various academic activities of the institute. The program has been well appreciated by the industry which has led to ensuring 100 percent placement of the students in the financial system. The course fee of NIBM is comparatively lower than the other top-rated B-schools. Banks and financial institutions have always placed our students in key domains like credit management, investment and treasury operations, trade finance, foreign exchange, analytics, and risk management. 

What do you see as your college's greatest strengths?

“The academic structure for making learning more practical than theory”

The two years PGDM (Banking & Financial Services) course is designed as a contemporary, rigorous, and practical source of management education to provide to the financial system. A pool of talented youngsters thoroughly trained with the latest analytical skills and perspectives in banking and finance for directly taking up managerial responsibilities. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Develop self-confidence and walk through hurdles to create a better future for yourself”

 My suggestions to the aspiring students are: The biggest motivation is to keep self-confidence and believe that you can succeed and will find ways through different obstacles. Knowledge empowers you to find the right path in this direction. 

Also check National Institute of Bank Management Faculty

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“Mutual relationship for development and holistic environment in the college”

NIBM has Asia’s largest library dedicated to the arena of banking and finance which provides a vibrant and intellectual atmosphere for the students to learn from the exchange of ideas among the best brains of the country. The campus also hosts several facilities and activities that cater to the students’ physical, mental, and holistic development & leadership quality, thereby ensuring their focus remains steadfast. The sports committee Josh organizes intra college sports fest every year. Students also arrange annual technical fest through colloquium. NIBM has also organized the National Banking Summit through virtual mode in October on the topic “Innovative Strategies for Banking Sector Resurgence).