Geeta Institute of Law

Sandeep Saini is the HOD-Academics at Geeta Institute of Law. He is an experienced professional having a work experience of nine years. He brings with him the diversity which he has acquired over time by teaching and training students. He believes in following the trends and making advancements towards what the future holds. Read here what he has to say in his interview. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Nurturing the young minds keeps me connected with the education sector”

It gives me immense pleasure to interact with the young minds. They have a curiosity to learn and keep moving forward. I love to teach them and provide them the utmost nourishment they require. Teaching profession in itself is extremely noble. When you are entering the teaching profession, you will meet with the cream of the society, students who are clean hearted. They enter into our college with an immaculate heart. And they want to pursue this course to get their future secure, which we don't have in the court.Preparing students to be future legal professionals and carry the legacy forward keeps me connected to the education sector.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership?

“Taking the right decision defines a true leader”

As far as leadership is concerned, it is dependent upon decision making. The implementation of the decision for a leader or the head of a department defines him/her. Not only the determination is there, but also how you implement that decision. It is far more essential to delegate the work. A leader has to decide which piece fits in the right puzzle. Accompanying the same, quality processes matters with decision making. Thus, the wholesome of all of it defines a true leader.

Any insight into how your institute could be more welcoming to the students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“We have given outstanding scholarships to students”

The scholarship schemes we currently have are merit-based. Also, we ensure that students from economically weaker sections avail scholarships and financial aid. Additionally, we have sports and extra-curricular based scholarships for the students.

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What do you think should be the university's top priority over the next 10 years?

“We are ensuring that our students are abreast to the current standards and for the future to come”

We are planning to provide a platform for the student where they can learn the practical aspects. They need to acquire practical learning to help them perform well when they face actual situations. We make sure to add experiential learning via various best practices to help them achieve their goals and perform well when they graduate. We are providing updates from a moot court, and other best practices to help them set a tone for learning. All the students must participate in this every year. We are conducting this to promote competition only for the first semester students.We are making sure that students are learning with a pace by keeping in mind the future advancements and development in the legal sector.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general or for the Institute of law, specifically?

“The current challenges posed by the pandemic has caused hiatus”

At present, the primary challenge is from COVID-19. It has drastically changed all the perspectives of education, and 99% of education depends upon online education. We are indeed abiding by the current system of online education since we don't have much choice, but the effectiveness of one-to-one teaching is unmatched. The goal settings also become problematic when it comes to online education.

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