CBSE Class 10 Result 2021 to be Declared by June 20; Marks Distribution Released Today; Read Full Report

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) released the marks distribution formula for Class 10 students who will be promoted to Class 11 without having to take the final board exam on Saturday.

According to a CBSE press release, students will be graded on a scale of 100 points for each subject for CBSE Class 10 Results. Internal Assessment for 20 marks will be conducted in accordance with current policy, while the CBSE has devised a novel method for distributing the remaining 80 marks in each subject.

CBSE Class 10 Result 2021: Assessment Schedule

S. No. Activity Last Date
1 Formation of Result Committee by school May 5, 2021
2 Provision of subject wise, school wise

distribution of marks as per previous Board
exams by CBSE
May 5, 2021
3 Finalization of Rationale Document May 10, 2021
4 Conduct of assessment, if any May 15, 2021
5 Finalization of result by schools May 25, 2021
6 Checking & moderation of marks by schools May 28, 2021
7 Submission of Marks to CBSE June 5, 2021
8 Submission of internal assessment marks June 11, 2021
9 Declaration of result by CBSE June 20, 2021

CBSE Class 10 Result 2021: Evaluation Process

The students will be evaluated based on the important points listed below.

1. For each subject, the students will be graded out of a maximum of 100 points. Internal Assessment is worth 20 points, and year-end Board examinations are worth 80 points, according to the Board's policy.

2. The internal assessment for 20 marks will be conducted in accordance with the existing policy outlined in Circular Number Acad-11/2019 dated March 6, 2019, which can be found on the official website. Internal assessments have already been completed by schools, according to the circular, and the majority of schools have uploaded their data to the CBSE portal. By June 11, 2021, the schools must upload the results of the internal assessment.

3. Due to the cancellation of Board examinations, the school will assess 80 points based on the candidate's performance in the various tests/ exams conducted by the school throughout the year, and the marks should be consistent with the school's previous performance in Class 10 board exams.

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CBSE Class 10 Result 2021: Marks Distribution

For the purpose of awarding marks to candidates, the CBSE will consider the following exams:

Category of Tests/Exams Maximum Marks
Periodic Test/ Unit Test 10 Marks
Half Yearly/ Mid-term Examinations 30 Marks
Pre-Board Examinations 40 Marks
Internal assessment 20 Marks
Total 100 Marks

If a school has administered more than one test/exam within a category, the result committee may determine the weighting to be given to each test/exam within that category, subject to the category's overall maximum marks.

If a school administers two or three pre-board exams, it may decide to take the average of the three exams, the best performance in the three tests, or assign a weightage to each exam as appropriate.

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