CBSE Class 10 Syllabus Cut Poses New Challenges; Read Full Report Here

As a result of the board's announcement of reducing over 30 percent of class 10th syllabus, teachers, and coaching institutes are now facing issues since they have to teach the reduced syllabus to students who are now entering class 11th.

Coaching institutes that are admitting students of class 11th for the fresh batch are now facing the trouble of teaching the basics to students which should have been taught as a part of their CBSE Class 10th course curriculum. 

Referring to the issue, the Competitive Exam Coach, and Executive Member of the Association of Coaching Institutes (ACI), Panini Telang stated that the learning gap between the previous students and fresh students is clearly visible. 

“While teaching physics, I realized that I cannot proceed with certain topics of class 11th just because the immediately preceding base topics had been cut out of class 10th syllabus".

Showing his concerns over the impact of the CBSE Class 10th reduced syllabus, he added that now coaching institutes, and teachers will have to spend extra time in covering up the topics from the class 10th syllabus. 

"What this means is that we will have to spend extra time covering up those topics from Std X. And covering up to 30% of the previous year’s course will obviously take time" he further added.

Since both NEET and JEE Exam 2021 Syllabus includes the part of NCERT, students are expected to face many difficulties since 30 percent of the syllabus haven't been taught in their schools due to the pandemic. 

While, as per the recent notice released by various boards, the examination for SSC, and CBSE Class 10th has been canceled to ensure the safety of the students, no further decision has been made for JEE, or NEET 2021 Exam yet. 

Students are now waiting for the examination dates for both JEE 2021; which is held multiple times in a year, and NEET 2021; which is held only once a year. 

Referring to the issues, Ashok Gavhankar, General Secretary of Vidarbha Junior College Teachers’ Association, said, “the connection between SSC and our board’s Std XI is not so intertwined”.

He further added that, while the base for class 11th is not entirely class 10th, it is expected that students will still face some problems in understanding the topics of class 11th. 

He added, “But our SSC is not the entire base of Std XI. Regardless, there is no denying the fact that for a few topics there will be some level of difficulty faced by our teachers, but it won’t be as drastic as the problems being faced by coaching classes.”

Teachers and coaching center educators are also expected to face many difficulties since they will have to teach the remaining 30% syllabus to students, he stated.

CBSE Class 10 Result 2021: Board Released Additional FAQs for Ease of Students: Check Here
