CBSE Class 10th Science Exam Analysis 2022: Average to Easy Say Students

New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has successfully concluded the Class 10 term 2 board exam for the Science paper today, May 10, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

CBSE Class 10th Science Exam Analysis 2022: Average to Easy Say Students

The CBSE Class 10th term 2 Science question paper was divided into three sections having a total of 15 questions. The total marks of the Science paper was 40 marks and students had to mandatorily attempt all the questions. 

According to the students who appeared for the class 10th term 2 exams 2022, the Science question paper was easy and most of the questions were from the syllabus

Although some students expressed that the difficulty level of the science paper was moderate to easy, some of them found it difficult. 

With 3 sections in the question paper, Section A consisted of 7 questions of 2 marks each, while section B had 6 questions of 3 marks each and section C contained 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each. Some of the questions had internal choices. 

Students who sat for the CBSE Class 10th Science Exam 2022 can go visit the website to download sample question papers of Class 10 term 2 Science exam syllabus and marking scheme. 

Download: CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper pdf 

CBSE Class 10th Science Exam 2022: Student's Feedback 

One of the students who took up the science paper said that the paper was easy except for one or two questions. Although the case study based questions were complicated, the other sections were quite easy to attempt. 

Another student said that all the questions were from the syllabus and NCERT books and the paper was effortless. 

CBSE Class 10th Science Exam 2022: Analysis 

Question Weightage  Total Questions Difficulty Level 
Section A - 2 marks question  7 Easy
Section B - 3 marks question  6 Easy 
Section C - 4 marks question  2 Moderately 
Total  15 Average to Easy 

CBSE Class 10th Science Exam 2022: Expert's Review 

According to a science expert, the CBSE Class 10th Science paper was neither difficult nor easy. Students having clear understanding about the subject will find it easy and ace the paper with high scores otherwise it'd be a moderate paper. 

Another CBSE subject expert revealed that the class 10th Science paper was moderately easy with a blend of easy and average questions. All the questions were NCERT based. Students with a good conceptual understanding would be able to easily score 35+ marks out of 40. 

Despite the paper being a little lengthy as most of the questions had sub-questions, it would have been manageable for the students to complete it within 2 hours. 

This year, the CBSE Class 10th Exam 2022 is being conducted at almost 7406 centres for nearly 21,16,209 registered students with 8 94,993 female and 12,21,195 male students. With the science paper being completed, the class 10th students will have to focus and prepare for the Social Science paper which is scheduled to be held on May 14, 2022. 

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