CBSE Class 11 Admission 2021: New Guidelines Released for 2021-22 Session

In light of the second wave of COVID-19 in the country, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), has issued new guidelines for Class 11 admission 2021. This new update has given specific directions to the schools and institutions about how they’d have to manage the new batch of class 11th students for the academic year 2021-22.

The board has notified schools regarding this, soon after releasing the assessment policy for CBSE Class 10 exams. As the 10th standard results are based on internal assessments and yearly performance entirely, it has been left to the school to manage the streams in which the students will enrol. 

As per the CBSE notice issued on May 1 for the Class 10 exam assessment policy, it also included important points for Class 11 admissions. According to this, the board will make sure that students get their desired streams. CBSE has taken a few steps and created guidelines for the schools as well.

CBSE Class 11 Admission 2021: Important Guidelines for Schools

  • No-Stream Categorization: Schools are advised not to divide the students into streams i.e. Science/Arts/Humanities. This decision has been taken in light of the Board’s policy and also in accordance with the new Education Policy. This means that the students are encouraged to pick any subjects in any order based on their interests.

  • Mathematics Standard Paper: Students who opted for Basic Mathematics in Class 10 have been permitted to continue with the subject in Class 11 without any prejudice. Back in 2019, the board had divided mathematics into two different variants- basic and standard. Basic Mathematics subject was for the students who did not want to pursue mathematics in future whereas Standard Mathematics was for students who’d study mathematics for higher studies. The board has made it clear that the students who had chosen the Basic Mathematics subject in class 10 can opt for Mathematics in Class 11th as well without having to give the Standard Mathematics examination. This exception has been included for this academic year only, i.e for 2021-22.

  • Compartment Exams: The students who’ll be declared as failed in their Class 10 results will be allowed to pursue CBSE Class 11 provided that they clear their class 10th compartment examinations. The compartment examinations would be conducted by the school and that the compartment examination will be an objective paper based on the sample papers shared by the CBSE. Schools have the discretion of conducting this examination in either offline mode or online mode.

It would be, however, up to the school’s discretion in offering a particular subject to the student for CBSE Class 11 Admission 2021.

Also Read: CBSE Class 10 Result 2021 Releasing by June 20; Marks Distribution Revised
