Celebration Of 70th Constitution Day Moot Competition

National Law University is coordinating the “MOOT Competition'' which will be conducted to mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of India’s Constitution.

The competition is called “Moot Courts” and will be conducted from 27 - 31 August 2020 at National Law University Delhi - Moot Court Hall.

70th Constitution Moot Competition Highlights




Moot Courts


27 August 2020 - 31 August 2020


National Law University Delhi - Moot Court Hall

Dress Code

Men - Western formal

Ladies - Western formal or Indian Formal




The competition is open to a student of any Higher Education Institution in India

Team Composition

Minimum 2 and Maximum 4

Number of Rounds

2 Rounds (State Level and Regional Level)

Mooting is considered as an excellent skill for learning and thinking in the style of an advocate and helps students to enhance their written and oral skills.

The objective of the competition is to expose students pursuing undergraduate degrees to the nuances of the court system in India.

Moreover, it also aims to provide them a real-life experience cum training in doing cutting-edge research, presenting groundbreaking arguments (oral and written), and contributing to the development of jurisprudence in the concerned area of laws.

Important Dates



10 Jan 2020 

Notice of the moot court competitions to the universities 

31 Jan.2020 

Release of the moot Problem 

31 Jan.2020- 28 Feb.2020 


10 -30 April 2020 

State rounds coordinated by State Coordinating Universities 

15th May 2020

List of Finalists Proceeding to the National rounds 

27th -31st Aug 2020

National Rounds 

Candidates who will be part of the competition should make sure that they meet the following requirements and must note that Non-conformities will be penalized: 

  • Each team must prepare memorials (Petitioner and Respondent) 
  • Once the memorials are submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions will be allowed
  • 3 (three) copies each of the memorials for Petitioner & Respondent + a soft copy to be submitted to the respective Regional/state in Charge before the two days of Page 6 of 20 CELEBRATION OF 70TH CONSTITUTION DAY MOOT COMPETITION commencement of the event. Both memorials should be copied in a single CD. Late submission of memorials will not be allowed.
  • Memorials must be submitted on typed A 4 size paper printed on one side
  • Arguments must not exceed 15 (fifteen) pages.
  • Memorials shall be stapled bound. Comb/spiral or any other binding shall not be accepted
  • Memorials must have a one-inch margin on all sides of each page. The font size should be 12 and double-spaced. Footnotes must be in font size 10, single-spaced, and double-space left between two footnotes
  • Page numbering should be on the bottom middle side of each page
  • Covers (only paper) must be placed on briefs as follows: Petitioner: Pale Blue Color Respondent: Pale Red Color (Use of plastic covers will be penalized) 
  • The cover page of memorials must state the following:  The Cause Title, Identify brief as Petitioner or Respondent 

Oral Round & Scoring 

In each oral round, a team will be represented by 2 speakers who will present arguments and do the rebuttals / sur-rebuttals – all within the prescribed time limit of that respective round. The time duration for each team will be 60 minutes (30 + 30 = 60 minutes) 

The total marks will be a sum of the oral scores for that round and the memorial scores. Memorials will carry 20% and oral submissions will carry 80% of the evaluation

Furthermore, there will be a panel of 3 judges for the National level round for scoring, who will mark the candidates on the basis of oral round and their memorials.
