With increasing COVID cases in the country, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) have made a collective decision of calling off the Class 10 examination. This led to many schools using entrance exams as their key selection criteria for Class 11th Admission 2021.
While it was genuine selection criteria in India, most schools relied on merit-based performance for admitting a student in Class XI. Now due to unforeseen situations, schools are navigating more towards entrance examinations for Class 11th admissions.
However, students who wish to switch schools are worried about the reliance of admission on admission tests. There is still hope in institutes that have set one-on-one interaction with students for admissions.
Some schools are offering provisional admission to students either based on objective criteria developed by the CBSE or on the basis of results of Pre Board Exams. However, schools are also encouraged as they completed Pre-Boards with all the assignments submitted on the CBSE portal.
While discussing the same with Narasimha Reddy, principal, Hyderabad Public School, Ramanthapur, he said, “We did not find it conducive to conduct an entrance test in the prevailing conditions. Hence, we have decided to consider the pre-board performance of students for class 11th admissions.”
Meanwhile, CBSE Class 11 Admission 2021 new evaluation policy has been released, after which all the schools were required to form a result committee on May 5. It includes important points for Class 11 admissions. as the board has ensured that students will get their desired streams. CBSE has taken a few steps and created guidelines for the schools as well. Accordingly, CBSE Class 10th Results will be disseminated on June 20.
After the Council's green flag, ICSE has also begun their admissions. CICSE’s latest notification read “In addition, schools should prepare a schedule to begin online classes for class 11 students at the earliest. The syllabus to be followed is the ISC 2023 syllabus.”