Creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship have special importance in higher education: DU VC; Check Details Here

Creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship have special importance in higher education

New Delhi: Professor Yogesh Singh, vice chancellor of Delhi University, stated that higher education places a strong emphasis on creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and imagination. 

The Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University was speaking during the concluding session of a three-day national seminar on "Innovation in Higher Education through Public-Private Partnership," which was put on by the Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC) in association with the Delhi S & T Cluster, DRIIV, O/PSA, and the Government of India. He emphasised the value of various PPP models and techniques in this instance, emphasising the function of private organisations in maintaining resources.

Professor Saroj Sharma, the chairman of NIOS, attended the event as the Guest of Honor. In his discussion of the roles and responsibilities of academic institutions in their symbiotic relationship with the private sector, Prof. Saroj Sharma emphasised the importance of the public sector's contribution relative to that of private businesses.

At the opening of the closing ceremony, Prof. Shobha Bagai, Director of CIC, welcomed everyone. She emphasised in her speech that the seminar hosted by CIC will help to improve DU's strategy for implementing the NEP 2020. Prof. Jyoti Sharma summed up the occasion by stating that the three days of learning contributed to creating a shared knowledge of the potential, protections, structure, and intensity of Public Private Partnership to boost

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