CUSAT PG Final Exams to be Conducted Online from June 10

The Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) will now conduct final semester postgraduate examinations online, allowing students to appear for the exams from homes.

Earlier, CUSAT conducted online classes for students due to the lockdown induced by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The exams will be held from June 10 to June 25 and will be conducted with the help of Moodle or Google Classroom in which students can log in using their respective college user id and password.

Candidates should have access to a smartphone or computer, internet access, and email ID. The duration of the exam is three hours out of which 30 minutes will be to make sure that all the answers are uploaded.

There will be five questions for each paper and students will have to log in at the given time to get the questions. Each question will be given in a gap of 30 minutes, which the candidates have to use for writing the answers. 

In order to avoid copy-pasting content from the web, the university has decided that answers should be written in A4 size paper, and scanned copies should be uploaded before answering the next question.

CUSAT controller of examinations Benjamin Varghese said that the questions will not be directly from the textbook. "The students who have no access to the digital facilities at home can utilize facilities at respective departments/colleges if they inform in advance," said Varghese.

Moreover, a five-minute viva will be conducted soon after the exam through videoconferencing for each student to ensure that no malpractice has been done.
