DAVV Plans to Seek Guidance from Regulatory Bodies on General Promotion for Law and MBA Courses

Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya plans to seek guidance from the regulatory bodies of law and MBA courses following the announcement by the state government for general promotion for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The final year students of DAVV have been granted two options, either to opt for general promotion or offline exam, but there’s no clarity on the status of law and MBA students

“We are planning to take the issue to the board of studies and after their final response we will seek guidance from regulatory bodies - BCI for law courses and AICTE for MBA,” said the registrar of DAVV, Dr. Anil Sharma.

There seems to be no clarity on the status of those final year students that had failed in any of their previous year subjects and had Allowed to Keep Term (ATKT).

However, the city-based education experts have agreed that the general promotion might have a slight setback only during recruitment.

“The validity of the offline examination will be more in case the students go with a certificate of general promotion, they will again have to appear for some kind of test,” said Vice-Chancellor of DAVV.

Some experts have said that the general promotion will impact the final year undergraduate students in admissions at reputed and top institutions for their masters. Whereas the postgraduate final year students will have to undergo some tests during their recruitment. 

Final year students should have been granted promotion on the basis of internal tests as it would have been more beneficial for them, said the principal of city-based college and educationist, Dr. Mangal Mishra.
