- Look for your scaled score, which will be the first score reported on your official score report. The score will be between 200 and 600, with a mean score of 400. The score you receive is based on the number of questions you answered correctly. Since the level of difficulty varies for the different versions of the exam, your raw score is converted to a score on a common scale.
- Find your percentile ranks, or PR. Your percentile rank will be a number between 1 and 99. You will find two of these — one percentile for your intended major and one for the total group. The percentile for your intended major only compares your score to others who took the exam with the same intended major. This percentile rank may change if you take the exam again, even if you receive the same score, as your score is compared to a current MAT norm group. For instance, if you receive a percentile rank of 87, this means that 87 percent of the current norm group received a score lower than yours.
- Look over the rest of your report. You will find your personal information and a record of which colleges or universities Pearson sent official Transcript to you.Your test date, number of times you took the exam and the explanatory definitions of “scaled score” and “percentile rank” are also found in the report. Verify that all information is correct, and contact Pearson if there is any incorrect information. You can do this via mail, email, phone or fax, all of which are listed on their MAT contact information page.
Also Read :
MAT Duplicate Score Card
A duplicate can be obtained by following the procedure given below:
- An application on plain paper requesting for a duplicate Score Card.
- Photocopy of the lower half of the Admit Card, which was handed over at the test centre duly signed by the invigilator Or some Govt ID proof.
- Self addressed envelope having :
a) Size 24 cms x 12 cms (approx)
b) Candidate's address written in capitals
c) Postage stamp of Rs. 39/- affixed for sending by Speed Post.
The above documents are to be sent at the address mentioned below:
Manager – CMSAll India Management Association
Management House'
14, Institutional Area
Lodhi Road
New Delhi — 110003
Request for duplicate Score Card as above without any fee will be entertained within 15 days of the declaration of the results. All requests for duplicate Score Card received thereafter will have to be accompanied with a demand draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of 'All India Management Association", payable at New Delhi.
Aspirants opted institutes have al2ready been advised to check the authenticity of the score from the AIMA website pending receipt of MAT 2015 Score Card.