OJEE MBA 2021: Admit Card (Soon), Exam Date , Pattern, Syllabus, Practice Paper, Result, and Cut off

OJEE MBA 2021 examination is scheduled to be held on September 15 in 3 shifts. OJEE MBA 2021 Admit Card is expected in the 1st week of September. The document will be released online only for the successfully registered candidates.  The Examination Board has also added more exam centres to allocate the candidates to their nearest exam centers. Check OJEE MBA 2021 Admit Card

OJEE is a state-level exam conducted by Odisha government for admission in courses like M.Tech, MCA, BCA, B.Pharm, M. Pharm, MBA & Integrated MBA, etc. OJEE is held every year in two modes, i.e. Paper Based Mode (PBT) and Computer-Based Mode (CBT). The exam will be conducted in both online and offline mode. Check OJEE MBA 2021 Exam Pattern

Candidates who do not qualify OJEE 2021 can reappear for Special OJEE which is conducted for candidates who do not qualify the paper in their first attempt. Read on the article to know more about eligibility criteria, application form, syllabus, result, counselling, etc. 

OJEE 2021 Highlights for MBA

Features Highlights
Name of the Exam Odisha Joint Entrance Examination
Conducting Body Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Board (OJEEB) 
Category of the Exam Postgraduate
Exam Type State-level
Periodicity Twice in a year
Exam Duration 120 Minutes (2 Hours)

OJEE 2021 Important Dates

The table below has listed all the important dates for OJEE 2021:

Events Dates

Commencement of OJEE MBA Application Form 

April 14, 2021

Last date to submit OJEE Form

July 30, 2021

Last date to remit application fee

July 30, 2021

OJEE MBA Admit Card 

1st week of September 2021

OJEE Exam Date

September 15, 2021

OJEE MBA Result 

To be announced

Release of Answer keys To be announced

OJEE Counselling 

To be announced

OJEE Admit Card

OJEE 2021 Admit Card

Candidates can avail OJEE 2021 Admit card from the Official Website from the 1st week of September 2021. OJEE Admit card is a mandatory document to be carried on the day of examination. It will also be required in the latter stages during OJEE 2021 Counselling and admission process. In case, a candidate is unable to download the OJEE 2021 admit card for some reason, he/she must contact the OJEE office immediately. The steps to download the OJEE 2021  Admit Card are given below:

  • Go to the Official website of OJEE and click on the Admit Card download link.

  • Enter Application Number, Password and Date of Birth and Submit.

  • Download the OJEE Admit Card and print 2 copies of the same for future references.

OJEE MBA 2021 Exam Schedule

Exam Date Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3
September 15, 2021 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM 12:30 PM t0 2:30 PM 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

OJEE MBA Exam Centers

OJEE 2021 Exam Centers for MBA

OJEE 2021 will be held in various cities across Odisha. Candidates can enter maximum 3 choices of OJEE Exam centers in the Application Form. Here are the cities which will conduct OJEE 2021:

Existing OJEE Exam Center
Balasore Cuttack
Dhenkanal Berhampur
Rayagada Sambalpur
Bhadrak Rourkela
Bhubaneswar Jharsuguda
New OJEE Exam Centers
Balangir Paralakhemudi (Gajapati)
Jagatsinghpur Jaipur
Nayagarh Phulbani (Kandhamal)
Patna Ranchi
Kolkata -

OJEE MBA Exam Pattern

OJEE 2021 Exam Pattern for MBA

OJEE 2021 MBA course will be conducted in CBT mode, having Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Every correct answer will fetch 4 marks. 1 marks will be deducted for every wrongly marked answer. OJEE 2021 MBA exam is of 2 hours duration, containing 120 questions from Verbal reasoning (40 MCQs), Analytical reasoning (40 MCQs), General Knowledge (10 MCQs), Comprehension (20 MCQs), Computer and Business fundamentals (10 MCQs).

Features Details

Mode of the exam




Type of Questions


Total Number of Questions 120 questions


2 hours

Negative Marking  Yes
Marking Scheme
  • 4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer
  • 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answers


Verbal reasoning(40 MCQs)

Analytical reasoning(40 MCQs)

General Knowledge(10 MCQs)

Comprehension(20 MCQs)

Computer and Business fundamentals (10 MCQs)

OJEE MBA Syllabus

OJEE 2021 MBA Syllabus

Candidates must go through OJEE MBA Syllabus before starting their preparations. Questions shall be asked to measure the candidate’s general aptitude from the following topics: Verbal reasoning, Analytical reasoning, General Knowledge, Comprehension & Computer and Business fundamentals. Syllabus for OJEE 2021 MBA is as follows:

Section A: Verbal Reasoning

This section contains 40 MCQs from topics mentioned below:



Comprehension of Passage



Sentence completion

Section B: Analytical Reasoning

This section contains 40 MCQs from topics mentioned below:


Series Completion

Linear and Circular Arrangement

Venn Diagram

Sequential Output

Symbol based Comparison

Selection Criteria

Conditional Coding

Verbal Activity


Section C: General Knowledge

This section contains 10 MCQs from topics mentioned below:


Persons and Awards




Famous Personalities

Inventions & Discoveries




First, Largest, Longest, Highest etc.



Trade awareness

Solar System

History Of India

Democratic policy

Current Events

Section D: Comprehension

This section contains 20 MCQs based on the passage given in the paper.

Section E: Computer & Business Fundamentals

This section contains 10 MCQs from Fundamentals of Business and Computer.

Introduction to Computer

Introduction to Operating System

Computer Arithmetic

C, C++ and Data Structure

Logical and Verbal Abilities


OJEE MBA Preparation Tips

OJEE MBA 2021 Preparation Tips

Candidates appearing for OJEE 2021 MBA examination have to be aware of the complete syllabus that will be included in the MBA exam. So that, a candidate can prepare well and get higher rankings. Focusing on the topics and preparing well keeping the syllabus as the base would help the candidate save time. This will also increase his/her chances to do well in the OJEE 2021 MBA. Here are few tips for the candidates preparing for OJEE MBA:

  • A Timetable should be made as devoting at least 6-7 hours of study every day.

  • Practicing as much the candidate can from the past year question booklets. Sample papers available on the internet and bookstores can help a lot in understanding the format and get along with the questions.

  • Read Newspaper daily and watch the news for at least 30 mins to have the best idea of what is happening around in order to get through General Knowledge.

  • Evaluate his/her responses thus identifying those topics he/she have to work on before proceeding to next chapter or section.

  • Revision is a must. Make notes of important topics and keep revising them from time to time.

  • Candidate should take the test of individual topics and evaluate his/her response, if performance is not good, again go through the topics.

  • Take as many mock tests as possible in order to increase the speed by solving the maximum number of questions in a day. This can boost a candidate's confidence as well as let his/her have a planned preparation for the final exam.

OJEE MBA 2021 Answer Key

OJEE Board will release the answer key for after a day of examination. Through OJEE MBA answer key, aspirants can verify their responses and estimate their score in the entrance examination.

  • Authorities will notify the date of release of answer keys for PBT and CBT mode respectively.
  • Candidates will also be allowed to raise obejctions against answer keys.

OJEE 2021 Result

OJEE 2021 Result will be declared in the month of October 2021. OJEE 2021 results will be based on the performance of the candidate in the examination.

  • OJEE 2021 Results can be accessed online on the official website.
  • There will be a unique combination of registration number and password generated at the time of OJEE 2021 application form to access the results.
  • OJEE 2021 Results will be in the form of Scorecard which will be important for the counselling process.
  • OJEE 2021 Merit list will be made based on the Cut off decided on the basis of Results. Cut off details for admission in MBA program will be revealed in the first week of June 2021, before the commencement of OJEE MBA counselling. The opening and closing rank will decide the admission criteria.

OJEE MBA 2021 Cutoff

After the result declaration, the Institutes accepting OJEE score will release the cut off for OJEE MBA 2021. Candidates will be able to get admission in their preferred college as per the cut off of that particular college. Those aspirants who meet the minimum required eligibility will get admission in the participating Institute of OJEE MBA Exam. OJEE MBA cut off for some of the colleges is mentioned in the table below. 

Institute Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
Berhampur University General 37 2823
SC 137 1303
ST 1854 5359
College of IT and Management Education (Self-Sustained Course) General 47 5465
SC 246 4685
ST 775 4636
Dhenkanal Autonomous College (Public Private Partnership) General 296 4993
SC 693 5148

OJEE 2021 Counselling for MBA

OJEE 2021 MBA counselling process will be Online, Candidates must fill their preferences online to get admission in various courses. The seat will be allotted based on the OJEE 2021 MBA Merit List.

  • Candidates have to initially register for the OJEE Counselling by filling out a form from the second week of June onwards. 

  • The next step is to make choices of the desired institute and lock the same. 

  • Candidate should report to allotted college in time with all the required documents (10th and 12th Mark Sheet, Aadhar Card etc.) for document verification.

  • The OJEE Seat Allotment will be carried out post document verification.

OJEE MBA Participating Institutes

OJEE MBA 2021 Participating Institutes

Following are the College/Institute/University that accepts admission in their MBA Program



United School of Business Management Bhubaneswar

National Institute of Science and Technology


Institute of Professional Studies and Research Cuttack
Dhenkanal Autonomous College NA
Trident Academy of Creative Technology Bhubaneswar
PJ College of Management & Technology Bhubaneswar
Bhubaneswar Engineering College Bhubaneswar

Koustuv Institute of Self-Domain


Centre of Management Studies- Orissa Engineering College


Bhubaneswar Institute of Management and Information Technology


C.V. Raman College of Engineering


Rourkela Institute of Management Studies Rourkela
Biju Patnaik Institute of Information Technology and Management Studies Bhubaneswar
DRIEMS Group of Institutions Cuttack

Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement


Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar

College of Engineering Bhubaneswar


Regional College of Management


Gandhi Institute of Management Studies Orissa
Raajdhani Engineering College Bhubaneswar
Global Institute of Management Bhubaneswar
OJEE MBA Eligibility

OJEE 2021 Eligibility Criteria for MBA

Candidates have to satisfy the eligibility to apply for OJEE MBA 2021. OJEE Eligibility criteria to be considered are mentioned below:

Academic Qualification

  • MBA - This course requires the candidate to pass a Bachelor’s Degree examination in any discipline of minimum three years duration (BBA, B.com., B.Tech, B.Arch., etc.) or appear in 2021 for the final examination of the same. Minimum marks required in the qualifying examination is 50% marks or more.

  • Integrated MBA - Candidate must have passed 10+2 examination or should be appearing in 2021. The Minimum aggregate percentage in all subjects taken together must be 45% marks or above. The candidate must have passed all the subjects in the qualifying exam.

Age Limit

  • MBA – There is no prescribed age limit for OJEE MBA course.

  • Integrated MBA – There is no prescribed age limit for OJEE MBA course.

Check OJEE Courses and Codes

OJEE Application Form

OJEE 2021 Application Form

OJEE 2021 is a combined entrance examination with an online application process. It is conducted for admission in various UG and PG courses including MBA into Institutions/Universities in Odisha. OJEE 2021 Registration started from April 14, 2021. Students should keep in mind that there are different OJEE forms for different courses. Incomplete application forms will be rejected. Below are the steps to fill the application form.

  • Step 1: Registration and Form Filling - Candidates have to get themselves registered and then fill in their details in the OJEE 2021 Application form.
  • Step 2: Uploading the Documents - The candidate has to upload his/her passport size photograph, full signature and left thumb impression.
  • Step 3: Fee Payment - Application fee for OJEE 2021 MBA can be paid either through Online mode( credit card/debit card/net banking ) or through Offline mode(Challan Form to be submitted to nearest SBI branch )


Application Fee

Group A, B, C, D, F

INR 1000

Group E

INR 1500

Step 4: Submission - After completion of the above steps the candidate can submit his/her OJEE Application form successfully.

Fees Structure


Note: For Course Code F : Rs 1500

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