NATA Preparation Plan (30 Days): Check Revision Plan, Tips & Tricks

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byHimanshi Sharma Exam Prep Master

Do you want to know how to crack NATA 2020 in 30 days? If yes, then you have come to the appropriate place. NATA 2020 entrance examination is round a corner, and aspirants must have already started the revision. Since not enough time left for NATA Phase 1 and 2 exams, it is important for the aspirants to cover the entire syllabus in a short span of time.

Latest:  NATA 2020 is scheduled to be held on August 29, 2020, for Phase 1.

Aspirants with a basic interest in architecture can prepare for the entrance examination with ease. Collegedunia presents some of the important ways to prepare for NATA 2020 in 1 month. Following these points will help the students to make an effective preparation strategy to score high rank in both the phase. Read the article to know tips and strategies to prepare for NATA 2020.

Must Read:

Division of Syllabus for NATA 2020 

Candidates must divide the syllabus before starting the preparation for the entrance examination like NATA. For this purpose, it is necessary to go through the NATA 2020 Syllabus. Aspirants can check the total number of chapters asked in all the sections:

Subjects Total No. of Topics for Revision (Approx.)
Drawing 22
General Aptitude 08
Mathematics 10
Chemistry 04
Physics 07

Section-wise weightage for NATA 2020

Parts Sections Number of Questions Maximum Marks Total Time Duration
Part A (Offline) Drawing Test 2 x 35 and 1 x 55 = 125 Marks First 135 Minutes
Intermission Period of 15 Minutes
Part B (Online) PCM 15 15 X 1.5 = 22.5 Last 45 Minutes
General Aptitude 35 35 X 1.5 = 52.5
Total 3 Sections 53 Questions 200 marks 180 minutes (3 hours)

Check  NATA 2020 Exam Pattern

NATA One Month Study Plan

Read the below-mentioned points to have an idea about the one-month study plan for NATA 2020:

  • NATA 2020 will be conducted on August 1, 2020 (Phase 1) and August 29, 2020 (Phase 2).
  • Aspirants are advised to study 8 hours per day to crack the entrance examination. 
  • The Division of Hours should be like 2+2+2+2=8 Hours
  • For First Phase (2 Hours)- Practice at least two drawing topics/questions
  • For Second Phase (2 Hours)- Revise one topic from General Aptitude
  • For First Phase (2 Hours)- Revise one topic from Mathematics
  • For First Phase (2 Hours)- Revise one topic from Chemistry or Physics.

NATA Revision Time Table for 30 days

NATA Revision Time Table for 30 days

Candidates can go through the revision Timetable that has been divided on a weekly basis:

Week 1: Start with the most important topics

Day Drawing General Aptitude Physics Chemistry Mathematics
Day 1 Understanding the scale and proportion of objects Objects, Textures related to Architecture and Environment Electrostatics Basic Concepts of Chemistry Algebra
Day 2 Geometric Composition Interpretation of pictorial compositions Current Electricity Chemical Bonding and Molecular Logarithms
Day 3 Shape, Building, forms, and Elements Visualizing three-dimensional objects from a two-dimensional drawing Magnetism and Matter Chemical Thermodynamics Matrices
Day 4 Aesthetics, Color texture, harmony, and contrast Visualizing three different sides of three-dimensional objects  Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Organic Chemistry Trigonometry
Day 5 Conceptualization and Visualization through structuring objects in memory Analytical Reasoning Atoms and Nuclei Inorganic Chemistry Coordinate Geometry
Day 6 Drawing of patterns- both geometrical and abstract Mental Ability (visual, numerical and verbal) Electronic devices States of Matter Coordinate Geometry
Day 7 Form transformations in 2D and 3D like union, subtraction, surfaces, rotation, and volumes General Awareness of national/international architects and famous architectural creations Simple Circuits Redox Reaction 3-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry

Week 2: Read News Chapters and previously studied topics

Day Drawing General Aptitude Physics Chemistry Mathematics
Day 8 Generating plan, elevation and 3D views of objects Mathematical Reasoning Devices Structure of Atom Theory of Calculus
Day 9 Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shapes and forms Mathematical Reasoning Materials Structure of Atom Application of Calculus
Day 10 Perspective Drawing Sets and Relation Optics Hydrogen Permutation and Combinations
Day 11 Sketching of urbanscape and landscape Sets and Relation Practice Test S-block elements Statistics and Probability
Day 12 Common day to day life objects like equipment, furniture, etc. from memory Practice Test Practice Test P-block elements Practice Test
Day 13 Understanding the scale and proportion of objects Practice Test Practice Test Environmental Chemistry Practice Test
Day 14 Geometric Composition Practice Test Practice Test Hydrocarbons Practice Test

Week 3: More focus on revision and practice mock tests

Day Drawing General Aptitude Physics Chemistry Mathematics
Day 15 Shape, Building forms and Elements Practice Test Practice Test Hydrocarbons Practice Test
Day 16 Aesthetics, color, texture, harmony, and contrast Practice Test Practice Test Gases and Liquid Practice Test
Day 17 Conceptualization and Visualization through structuring objects in memory Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test
Day 18 Drawing of patterns- both geometrical and abstract Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test
Day 19 Forms transformation in 2D and 3D like subtraction, union, rotation, surfaces, and volume Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test
Day 20 Generating plan, elevation and 3D views of objects Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test
Day 21 Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shape and forms Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test Practice Test

Week 4: Final Revision

Day Topics for Revision
Day 22 Drawing: Perspective drawing Sketching of Urban space and landscape Common day to day life objects like equipment, furniture, etc from memory Practice with drawing questions
Day 23 General Aptitude: Mental Ability (visual, numerical and verbal) General Awareness of national/international architects and famous architectural creations Analytical Reasoning
Day 24 Physics: Optics Magnetism and Matter Electrostatics Electronic Devices
Day 25 Chemistry: Environmental Chemistry Structure of Atom S-block elements Gases and Liquid
Day 26 Mathematics: Permutation and Combinations Statistics and Probability Theory of Calculus
Day 27 Solve previous year question papers/Sample Papers
Day 28 Solve previous year question papers/Sample Papers

To-do list for the last two days

Day Things to do
Day 29 Accumulate all the short notes and go through them. Go back to your weak areas and revise accordingly
Day 30 Revise all the formulas. Take rest 

Section-wise Revision Strategy for NATA

NATA 2020 is basically divided into two parts: Part A is a Drawing-based test which will be conducted on offline mode. Part B comprises Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and General Aptitude Section with Objective type questions (MCQs) that have to be answered online. There is no negative marking in NATA entrance examination. Therefore, candidates can attempt all the questions without any fear of marks deduction. The section-wise revision strategy is given below:

NATA 2020 Part A: Drawing Test In this section, candidates will be required to attempt 3 questions in 135 minutes. Your marks and performance will be accumulated on the following basis:

  • Drawing from day-to-day experience.
  • Creating visual harmony using colors in a given quantity
  • Understanding of scale and balance.
  • Sense of perspective drawing.
  • Combining and composing given 3-D elements to form a building or structural forms
  • Creating an interesting 2D Composition using given forms and shapes.

NATA 2020 Part B: General Aptitude & PCM Aptitude: Aspirants must keep the General Knowledge updated and must have knowledge on topics such as Buildings in India and World, speed, distance, and time. Logical and Reasoning Ability questions, Important Architects of India, General Mathematics questions like area, and volume. Mirror Images, Common Architectural Terminology, Building Materials and Terminology, 2D and 3D objects and their plans and elevations, etc. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM): For preparing PCM Subjects, candidates are advised to go through CBSE Textbooks. The Mathematics section is usually easy and one can score well in this section if you’ve studied NCERT Books properly. 

Important Books for Preparing NATA

Important Books for Preparing NATA 2020

There are many books available to prepare for the NATA entrance examination. Some of the best books are tabulated below:

Books Author/Publication
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Book R S Aggarwal
A Complete Self-Study Guide P.K. Mishra
B.Arch Entrance Examination Guide Surendra Kavimandan
Higher Algebra  Hall & Knight
NATA & B.Arch complete self-study material: Entrance Examination Ar. Shadan Usman
NATA Examination (Engineering Drawing) N.D. Bhatt and Pancha
A Visual Dictionary of Architecture Francis D.K Ching

Quick Tips to prepare for NATA

Quick Tips to prepare for NATA 2020

Focus and Complete your Syllabus: One of the most important aspects while preparing for NATA is to know the exam pattern and syllabus. While preparing a timetable, candidates must ensure to cover all the topics and pay attention to the key topics.

Be Creative and Innovative: When you're preparing for architecture, a candidate must know that creativity is the key. If you aspire to get into the best architecture college, you must practice drawing, because sketching is the key to this entrance exam. Start with the simple ones and then move ahead to the harder ones.

Time Management: Keeping track of your time is the most important aspect while appearing for the entrance examination. Candidates must find different ways to manage time well in the exam. One of the best ways to do it is to take and practice mock tests on a regular basis. This will eventually enhance your test-taking speed.

Practice Mock Tests: In order to get aware of the exam pattern, time management, and types of questions asked in exams one should practice with the sample papers. To boost your confidence, aspirants must take mock tests as they can give you an insight into your understanding of the basic concepts.

Focus of Online Test: Apart from drawing or sketching, candidates should also be prepared for taking the online test, which includes aptitude and mathematics.

Prepare Short Notes: While you’re studying, prepare small notes alongside. These short notes will help you in revising the topics without wasting much time. Having short notes prepared not only helps you to save time but will help you in keeping the topics fresh in mind. Aspirants can go through those short notes anytime and anywhere. 

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