SRMJEEE 2015 Counselling Procedure and Schedule

SRMJEEE 2015 Counselling Procedure and Schedule

SRMJEEE 2015 Counselling Schedule for allocation of Seats will be declared by SRM University on May 4, 2015. The eligible candidates, chosen on the basis of rank, would be called for counseling for final admission. The physical presence of the candidate during the counseling is mandatory.

  • SRMJEEE 2015 Counselling schedule will be published in official university website: Candidates can download and take a printout of their counselling letter and counselling record from website and appear for the counseling as per the counselling schedule.
  • Change of date or time of SRMJEEE 2015 counselling is generally not permissible. If a candidate does not personally appear before the Admission Committee for counseling on the date and time specifi­ed, his / her seat shall be offered to the next candidate in order of merit
  • The selected candidates will have to remit the prescribed fees by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "SRMIST", payable at Chennai, on con­formation of the seat, and acceptance of the branch allotted.

Required Documents during SRMJEEE 2015 Counselling Process

The candidates should produce the following documents in original along with one set of photocopies while reporting for counseling. Candidates will not be allowed to participate in the counseling process without these documents.

  • Counselling call letter
  • SRMJEEE 2015 Hall Ticket
  • SRMJEEE 2015 Rank Card
  • High School (Class X) marks sheet
  • Marks sheet of qualifying examination (HSC)
  • Demand draft for the amount speci­fied in the Counselling letter. DD should be drawn in favour of "SRMIST" payable at Chennai

SRMJEEE 2015 Counselling Schedule

Counselling Date (Tentative) Morning (To report at 8.00 AM) Afternoon (To report at 1.30 PM)
Third week of May 2015 Rank 1 to 6000  
Third week of May 2015 Rank 6001 to 9000 Rank 9001 to 12000
Third week of May 2015 Rank 12001 to 15000 Rank 15001 to 18000
Third week of May 2015 Rank 18001 to 23000 Rank 23001 to 28000
Fourth week of May 2015 Rank 28001 to 33000 Rank 33001 to 38000
Fourth week of May 2015 Rank 38001 to 44000 Rank 44001 to 50000
Fourth week of May 2015 Rank 50001 to 55000 Rank 55001 to 60000


Also Read:

SRMJEEE 2015 Syllabus

SRMJEEE 2015 Eligibility Criteria

SRMJEEE 2015 Application Form

SRMJEEE 2015 Important Dates

SRMJEEE 2015 Result


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