XAT Application form
Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI) announces XAT Application form. Candidates who are aspiring to pursue management courses under XAT need to fill application form. XAT application forms are available from August 12, 2014.
How to apply for XAT
Candidate can visit the official website of XAT 2015 to register for the examination.
- Click on the link xatonline.net
- Search the Register and click on that to navigate the Registration page
XAT Registration Login
Step 1-
- Enter all the mandatory details and enter a password of your choice and submit it
- After submission of all details applicant can get the XAT Id via E-mail
- Next time candidate will be allowed to login with your XAT ID and password
- Search for Login and click on that to navigate to Login page
Step 2 -Complete Form:
Login to XAT account and fill educational and other details and choose the test city
Step 3-Fee Payment:
The fees of XAT 2015 is Rs 1000 for all candidates
Step 4-Select Mode of Payment:
Mode 1 –
Online Payment Gateway –
- Through VISA/Master Credit/Debit Cards (American Express Card is inadmissible)
- IDBI Net banking (this option is available only for IDBI account holder)
Mode 2-
Cash Payment-
Applicant has to take a print out of the XAT Pay-In-Slip visit nearest IDBI bank and make the payment
Mode 3-
Demand Draft (DD)-
Applicant has to get a DD made in favor of “XLRI Jamshedpur A/c XAT” payable at Jamshedpur
Note –Applicant paying through Mode 2 & 3 should update the payment details in the registration page. Failure to do so, such candidates will not be allowed to upload their photo and signature
Also Read:
How to Download XAT 2015 Admit Card
XAT 2015 Exam Pattern and scheme
Step 5-Upload Photograph and Signature:
Applicant is required to upload his/her scanned digital photograph and signature
Guideline for Uploading photograph and signature-
Applicants are required to upload their scanned (digital) photographs and signature and the file size of each of the Photograph and Signature should not be more than 50 KB per file. The online application system will not allow uploading files larger than 50 KB. All Candidates have to upload his / her Photograph and Signature only in “Jpeg” format and file name of Photograph and signature should preferably be photo.jpeg and sign.jpeg respectively
For Uploading photograph –
The picture should be taken against a light/white background. In case the face on the photograph is not clear, your application is liable to be rejected
For Uploading signature –
- The candidate himself/herself should sign (no capital letters) on a white paper with a black ink pen
- Scan the signature in 200 dpi (dots per inch) scanner resolution settings and the file size should be less than 50 kb in jpeg format
- To reduce the size, crop the image of the signature in MS Paint or any other Photo Editor. Please ensure that only the signature portion is cropped and not the entire A4 paper on which you have signed
- Once the photograph and signature is uploaded by the candidate successfully , System will generate a Confirmation page of the applicant on the screen with pre printed Photograph and Signature
Step 6-Print XAT Confirmation page:
Print confirmation page for your reference. In future for all correspondence with XAT office quote your XAT ID
Step 7-Send Confirmation page:
- Payments made through Demand Draft need to send their DD along with the confirmation page to XAT office, XLRI, Circuit House Area (East), Jamshedpur- 831001 within fifteen days from the issuance of DD
- Applicants who have made the payments through Cash, IDBI internet banking or credit/debit cards are not required to send the Confirmation page to XAT Office
XAT Application form last date
Last date to register for XAT is December 8, 2014.
XAT Registration fee
XAT Registration fee is INR 1000 for candidates belonging to any category.
XAT Application form status
Candidate can visit the official website to check the application form status-
- Click on the login
- Enter XAT Id
- Enter XAT password
- Then press enter