Exam pattern and Scheme of XAT 2015

Applicants should check the examination pattern first to avoid any kind of difficulty in the examination. It will depict the number of questions in the examination, type of questions, various sections, time duration etc.

Xavier Aptitude Test is an objective type exam paper which is of 3 hours duration. As you will see analysis of pattern below you will find that there will be no exact pattern follows by the XAT conducting body. There will some changes every year. Below are the details of XAT 2015 test pattern.

XAT Exam pattern for previous year

  XAT 2009 XAT 2010 XAT 2011 XAT 2012
Number of Questions (Part A) 104 101 101 85
Marks 104 101 253 100

XAT 2015 Test Structure:

Test paper will consist of two parts. Part 1 is the main question paper and part 2 is the General knowledge.

  • Part 1 has three sections A, B and C. Total Number of questions will be 83.
  • Three section are: Quantitative Ability, English Language & Logical reasoning and Decision Making
  • Time available for completing three sections and general knowledge will be 150 min
  • Part 2 will has General awareness and Essay writing sections
  • To complete this section candidate will be provided 40 minutes

XAT 2015 Test format:

Als0 Read:

XAT 2015 Cutoff

XAT 2015 Decision Making

XAT 2015 Essay Topics

XAT 2015 Important Topics

Number of Questions- As format is not fixed it is expected that there will be 80-90 number of questions in total. The General Awareness section will have 20 questions.

XAT 2015 Exam Sections highlights:

Section Number of Questions Duration
Decision Making 28 140 Min
Verbal and Logical Ability 24
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 31
Essay & General Awareness 20 40 Min
Negative Marking 1/4th of the marks allotted for every question
Number of options 5

XAT 2015 Exam marking scheme

XAT exam is to be scheduled on January 4, 2015. XAT exam pattern is generally considered dynamic as one can find changes in question paper almost every year. It is considered as one of the toughest management exam. It is an offline exam.

For every correct question one mark will be awarded to candidates and for incorrect answer 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Fees Structure


Note: Additional Fees INR 200

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