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GD and PI are an integral part of the MBA and PGDM admission processes. GD and PI take precedence in the admission process of MBA and PGDM courses after the declaration of entrance exam results. The concept of GD has not been a part of the regular academic curriculum in various colleges and universities. Therefore, the students usually face certain difficulties in this area of the selection process. The main objective of the GD and PI round is to trace the candidates’ confidence, poise, and ability to deal with challenging situations.
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To pursue the MBA course many students appear for the CAT entrance exam. However, the entrance test scores are generally given 40% weightage in the admission process. The candidate's admission to the Top MBA Colleges depends majorly on the GD and PI rounds.
Check: MBA Admission
GD rounds begin after the declaration of the CAT results. A GD is mediated by a single person or a group of people. The optimal GD group size (number of participants) is between 6 and 25.
- The participants are given 15-20 minutes to present their opinions on a given GD subject, with the option to speak in favor or against the topic.
- The panel judges each individual based on their views on the subject during these 15-20 minutes.
- Some of the interesting topics for Group discussion include topics such as the impact of covid-19 on the world/Indian economy, privatizations of banks, Citizen Amendment Act, Union Budget, Global Warming, the Cashless Economy, and many more.
- The GD topics are chosen in such way that there is parity amongst different streams.
But still, with the best of preparation, the candidates may have to handle some surprise questions during GD and PI. Here are some tips which candidates can use in handling surprise questions during GD and PIs
Read More: Preparing for GD-PI rounds
Important Tips to Handle Surprise Questions in GD Round
A GD is the first step in the MBA Admission process after the declaration of the CAT results. However, it is not as easy as it seems to be. The students must keep in mind certain tips that would help them to get through this phase of the admission procedure and be admitted to the top B Schools.
- Listen before you speak: The main agenda of a GD is not just speaking and discussing thoughts and opinions but also listening to others. Listening is often considered an important step because it will help you to know about certain points of others which you might not have an idea about and can add up to your answers to make them much more worthy.
- Be courteous and polite: Being a responsible team member, the candidate must be polite and courteous to their group members. They should keep patience and wait for the other person to complete their talk. They may even give chance to other members of the group who have not secured a chance to speak up about their points. Such behavior will provide the judges with an indication of a team-spirited candidate who can turn out to be a good team leader.
- Be calm: The candidate must try to be the leader but should not force themselves on the other members of the group. The benefit here lies in getting the opportunity to be the first person to begin the GD. Candidates must be calm and not over the top.
- Don’t interrupt: The candidate must not interrupt any member while they are speaking or should not even interfere in their talk with their personal opinions or thoughts. If you want to say something relating to what the other person says then you can just say so once they finish by saying “Adding to your point” or “Contrary to the point”, etc.
- Intervene at the right point: One of the important questions is “How to intervene in a group discussion”. The answer will be to maintain eye contact with the present speaker. Observe when he or she is about to end his or her points. Try to start immediately. If you still do not get a chance to speak, try to find a pause in their speech after they make a point and say “ I agree or disagree” (Depending on your stand) and start making your point.
- Don’t speak too much: The candidates must try to be mindful while speaking because sometimes it may seem to the judges that the candidate doesn’t care about what other people share while you are just busy showcasing your knowledge and understanding of a certain topic. To ensure this a candidate must listen to everyone and not only keep speaking for themselves.
MBA students should keep practicing their GD skills even after the admissions. It is because the GD skills would come in handy for MBA Placement Preparations.
Know More: MBA GD Topics
Important Tips to Handle Surprise Questions in PI Round
The step of GD is then followed by the PI Round in which a panel of members from the administration sits and assesses the qualities and personalities of the candidates. This round requires the candidates to present themselves in the best possible manner and that too individually. The candidates are judged on their knowledge, experience and the way they carry and present themselves in front of the panel members. Some of the basic points which the candidates must keep in mind during PI Sessions have been listed below:
- Be confident: The candidate must be confident enough in front of the judges and should never be unsure or unconfident of themselves. However, they must avoid being overconfident because it often leads to messed up situations. Hence, confidence should be considered the most essential thing during the entire process but be positive about yourself.
- Be prepared about the general topics asked: No one is ever sure about what questions could be asked during the interview but one can always keep certain answers prepared for the general questions such as current affairs and the subjects that have been pursued by the candidate during higher education along with the previous work experiences.
- Keep good body language and posture: Body Language is something that is the most noticed thing in an interview. A good posture of the candidate might take a long way in building an excellent first impression in front of the panel members. This might prove that they are confident enough and are even aware of their surroundings. Hence, it is very important for the candidate to dress up properly when appearing for an interview like wearing formally, being well groomed and having a fresh look on the face.
- Be calm and never lie: Be it your resume or an answer to a question you do not know, always maintain your composure and be calm. Never lie in an interview or in your resume.
- Be prepared: No matter how qualified you are or how good your resume is, the interviewer would ask you some tricky questions regarding your qualifications or career choices. It is vital that you keep a calm demeanor during the entire duration. Try to answer the questions as calmly as possible. Keep in your mind that the personal interview during the admission process is a prelude to MBA Job interview that you will face in the final semester.
Check Out: It can be useful if the candidates knows a bit about the MBA syllabus during the PI rounds
Dos and Don’ts of Group Discussion
It is quite difficult to maintain a particular flow during a group discussion round as the candidate's open veer from the topics of group discussions. It often leads to the rise of surprise questions during the group discussion. The best MBA colleges in India provide maximum weightage to the GD and PI round. The following are some of the dos and don'ts that the candidates must follow to surprise questions in GD and PI rounds.
- While answering surprise questions, always try to collaborate with the other speakers in the group discussion. If the question has caught you off guard chances are that it has done the same for others. Creating likeability will help to earn leadership points during the group discussion.
- In case of surprise, topics try to support your arguments with as much statistical data as possible. Also, try to find the ideal exit point after making your statement.
- Recapitulate the main point of the group discussion. Address the strong points made by the others in case of surprise topics and try to correlate them with your points.
- If asked to summarize, use the points made in the discussion that are relevant to the topic. If possible try to have a key point that has not been made during the discussion for the conclusion.
- In case of surprise questions during GD, do not start straight away. First, try to understand the topic. Try to recall as many facts you know about the topics, organize your thoughts, listen to others' points and then make your first point.
- Don't over-criticize fellow members of the group. Counter their points logically. Concede points that are true.
- While making points it is advisable not to look at the panel directly. It may make you look like an insecure person.
- If you do not have sufficient information on the surprise topics, do not make points that are unrelated to the topics, just for the sake of speaking. Instead, try to find ideas from others’ points and use them.
How to handle surprise questions in GD and PI: FAQs
Ques. What is the main focus of GD and PI?
Ans. GD and PI are an integral part of the MBA and PGDM admission processes. This might be considered a very important step after the declaration of CAT results. The concept of GD has not been a part of the regular academic curriculum in various colleges and universities. Therefore, the students usually face certain difficulties in this area of the Selection Process. The basic aim of this exam is to trace in the candidates the confidence, poise and ability to deal with any tough situation.
Ques. When does the GD and PI round take place?
Ans. It is very well known that various aspirants across the country appear for the Common Admission Test (CAT) so as to fulfil their dreams in the field of management. However, it must be kept in mind that entrance tests can be considered only 40% of the admission procedure because the remaining 60% of the process takes place in the form of GD and PIs.
Ques. What should be kept in mind while appearing for GD and PI?
Ans. The candidates must come up with answers that have a fruitful conversation or conclusion between the group members. The candidates must have positive body language to give away in an interview situation. They must have a stronghold over their verbal communication which attracts the interviewer the most. They must be confident in every situation and give the answers in a bold manner and should also be able to draw a line between what should be discussed or not.
Ques. What are the measures to be followed in the GD Round?
Ans. 1. The main agenda of GD is not just speaking and discussing thoughts and opinions but also listening to others. Listening is often considered an important step because it will help you to know about certain points of others which you might not have an idea about and can add up to your answers to make them much more worthy.
- Being a responsible team member, the candidate must be polite and courteous to their group members. They should keep patience and wait for the other person to complete their talk. They may even give chance to other members of the group who have not secured a chance to speak up about their points. Such behavior will provide the judges with an indication of a team-spirited candidate who can turn out to be a good team leader.
- The candidate must try to be the leader but should not force themselves on the other members of the group. The benefit here lies in getting the opportunity to be the first person to begin the GD.
Ques. What are some of the common topics asked during GD?
Ans. Certain popular and common topics that can usually be offered during the GD round have been listed below for the students’ reference:
- Importance of the Statue of Unity
- Covid - 19: Impact on Global Economy
- Cashless Economy - Is India ready for it yet?
- Rural Vs. Urban India
- The success of Swacchh Bharat Abhiyan
- Is MBA necessary to be successful in Business?
- How important is it to be patient in Business and Management