Annamalai University Pharm.D Admissions 2015

Annamalai University is one of the major unitary residential University located in Tamil Nadu, India and  is accredited  by NAAC with A grade. It has 49 departments of study offering various undergraduate and post graduate courses.

Anna University Pharm.D 2015 Eligibility Criteria

Course Eligibility
PHARM.D. (DOCTOR OF PHARMACY) POST BACCALAUREATE (Three Year Programme) Candidate must have passed B.Pharm degree from a recognized institution approved by Pharmacy Council of India
PHARM.D. (DOCTOR OF PHARMACY)(Six years programme) Candidate must have pass class 12 with physics and chemistry as major subjects


Candidate must have done Diploma in Pharmacy Course from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act

 Age limit: Candidate's age must be 17 years of age as on December 31, 2015.

Annamalai University 2015 Pharm.D Important Dates

Event Date
Commencement of application form May 27, 2015
Last date of submission of application form June 30, 2015

Annamalai University 2015 Pharm.D Application Procedure

Applicants can obtain application form via following modes:-

  • In person-Applicants can obtain application form from the cash counter ,Administrative office, Annamalai University.
  • By Post-Candidate can also procure application form by post from the Registrar, Annamalai University through a requisition letter accompanied by a DD drawn in favour of " The Registrar, Annamalai University" payable at Chennai.
  • Online-Candidate can also download application form from the official website

Application Fees- Rs 600/-

Annamalai University 2015 Pharm.D Fee Structure

Name of Programme Total Fee
Pharm.D(Doctor of Pharmacy) 29,970
Pharm.D(Doctor of Pharmacy)Post Baccaulereate Three year

Also See:

Annamalai University Courses

Annamalai University Programmes Fee structure



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