ICSSR Announces Training Programme on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences”

New Delhi: The Indian Council of Social Sciences (ICSSR) has announced the commencement of a training programme on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” which will be conducted from March 15-27, 2022. The programme will be held at the ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre which is located on the Panjab University campus.

Teachers, PhD scholars, affiliated colleges, and research institutes in the states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, and the union territories of Chandigarh are eligible for this programme.

The training programme seeks to improve faculty and research scholar research capacities and transform completed research into publishable materials. It covers a variety of theoretical and methodological topics as well as tactics and procedures used in empirical field research, such as study design, quantitative data gathering methods, coding, and analysis.

ICSSR Research Methodology in Social Sciences Training Programme: Highlights

Conducting Body

ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre, Punjab Univesity 

Training Programme Date 

March 15-27, 2022

Eligible For

Teachers and PhD scholars

Application Deadline

March 12, 2022

Registration Fee

Rs 800 (for teachers and equivalent)

Rs 400 (for research scholars)

Official Website


ICSSR Research Methodology in Social Sciences Training Programme: How to Apply?

Interested candidates can check the below steps to know more about the application process-

  • Visit the website @ http://www.icssrnwrc.org.in/
  • On the home page click on “ICSSR NWRC Online Training Program on Research Methodology in Social Sciences”
  • Click on the given link for Online Registration or Download the Form
  • Fill in the required details and email it @icssr@pu.ac.in (you can also share the application form by post.

ICSSR Research Methodology in Social Sciences Training Programme: Eligibility Criteria

Below are the mandatory requirements a student need to have in order to grab a seat for the training programme-

  • The training programme can be attended by teachers and PhD scholars.
  • All the affiliated colleges and research institutes in the states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, and the union territories of Chandigarh are eligible.

ICSSR Research Methodology in Social Sciences Training Programme: Important Instructions

Before applying one should check the below mentioned important instructions-

  • Applications must include a 500-word write up about the applicant's research abilities and academic involvement.
  • Researchers who have previously participated in an ICSSR NWRC-similar programme are ineligible.
  • A photocopy of PhD registration certificate should be included.
  • Certificates of academic qualifications should not be attached.
  • Photocopy of ST/SC certificate (if any).
  • Fees are chargeable only when the candidates' selection has been confirmed.

This programme will be carried out in physical mode, in accordance with the Covid 19 regulations. Candidates will be notified of their selection by March 13, 2022.

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