IGNOU Releases Guidelines & Instructions for Submission of On-line Examination Form for Dec-2022 of IGNOU GOAL Programmes

IGNOU Releases Guidelines

New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University, IGNOU has released the guidelines and institutions for the submission of online exam form for Dec-2022 of IGNOU Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) Programme on its official website @ignou.ac.in. 

As per the IGNOU schedule, the last date to apply online for IGNOU Term End Examinations (TEE) DEC-2022 is till 23:59 PM on April 10, 2023. The online portal for DEC -2022 Term-End Examination (TEE) for GOAL Programmes opened on February 27, 2023. 

Requirements for Submitting the Online Exam Form:

  • There is no expiration date on registration for the courses.
  • Candidates will have to submit the required number of assignments in the courses on or before the deadline wherever appropriate and as required by their program. 
  • Candidates must possess the necessary time to study these courses in accordance with the program's requirements.

The Clash of Exam Dates /Session Will Not Be Considered in the following cases:

  • Since the exams for all courses in a given group are held at the same time and date, the courses are all from the same groups (Groups 1 through 6).
  • These programmes are backlog programmes. (The semester/year that the courses were registered for)
  • The courses come from many programmes.
  • Courses from many specialisations offered in MP programmes.

Instructions & Guidelines for Filling Out the Online Exam: 

  • In the language(s) that the Program is given, answers to the question paper will be accepted. 
  • Any other language attempt for the answer script will not be examined and will be cancelled without any information. Regardless of whether they registered for the course in English or Hindi, students can choose to take the course's assessment in Hindi. (except for language programmes).
  • The June 2022 Exam results have been released on the IGNOU website in phases at www.ignou.ac.in. Students are recommended to fill out the exam form before the deadline for submitting the online test form for December 2022 if the results of any course(s) have not been released by then to avoid any future confusion. 

Under no circumstances, even if both courses are listed on the hall ticket for the same session and time, will a student be permitted to write exams for more than one course in a single session.

Steps For Submitting The Examination Form On-line:

  • The exam form MUST be completed with the utmost precision and attention. No requests for changes of any type will be considered at a later time.
  • Select Regional Center and Exam Center code carefully 
  • Make sure to complete the exam form for every subject for which an exam is required in one go, as adding more courses in a later attempt may cause the exam centre to change or the number of seats at the original exam site to become unavailable.
  • Candidates will have to contact the Registrar SRD by email at registrarsrd@ignou.ac.in or by phone at +91-011-29571301, if the courses for which they're eligible to appear in the December 2022 TEE are not reflected in the drop-down box 
  • Once an examination fee has been paid, it cannot be changed or returned under any circumstances.
  • After completing all of the examination form's sections, a summary will be displayed on the screen before final submission. To avoid consequences in the future, candidates must thoroughly inspect the same.
  • Take a print out of the form for future reference. 
  • To check the status of the exam form, select the SEARCH OPTION button.
  • In the event that there is no status displayed, candidates must resubmit the exam form along with the requisite fee on or before the deadline.

It should be noted that no request for change of exam centre will be entertained in any case.

IGNOU to Issue Hall Ticket 

  • The university will release the hall ticket about 7 to 10 days before the commencement of the Term-End Examination on its official website www.ignou.ac.in. 
  • Students are instructed to print their hall tickets, bring them with them to the exam hall, and report to the address of the test centre on the date and time specified therein well in advance of the start of the exam.
  • Only those with a valid hall ticket and university ID card are permitted entry to the examination room.
  • After the hall ticket has been updated on the website, requests to add additional courses will never be taken into consideration.

In case or any queries regarding non-receipt of the control number or about status of Examination Form, candidates will have to send email to (termendexam@ignou.ac.in) or contact over phone no. +91-011-29572209.

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