New Delhi: IITH’s Raj Reddy Centre is all set to organise and host the annual conference on ‘Technology and Society on February 23, 2022. The conference is supposed to promote understanding and utilisation of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and other related topics.
IIITH is aiming towards providing a platform for the social scientists, non-governmental organisations, research groups, technologists, policy makers, innovators, impact funders, CSR organisations to cautiously take note of how cutting-edge technologies can assist and enable rural education along with healthcare.

Candidates who are interested in attending the conference can register here.
IIITH Raj Reddy Center’s inaugural conference on Technology and Society deliberates on how emerging technologies can assist and enable rural education and healthcare. Register at
— IIIT Hyderabad (@iiit_hyderabad) February 11, 2022
The conference includes plenary panel discussions on the theme of AI and Society, specifically focusing on how AI can enable social outcomes. Another session will be on healthcare at the BoP, especially how healthcare can be taken effectively to rural households.
The conference will also include closed-door roundtable discussions among the social tech leaders, policymakers and experts from the industry. This is to elaborate on how CSR can fund social change and collaborate to enhance tech-led impact.
Additionally, the annual conference will also include a startup showcase highlighting the increasing success of startups that have been using tech for social impacts.
Some of the eminent plenary speakers include Raj Reddy, Chairman of IITH Governing Council, P J Narayanan, Director of IIITH, Vivek Raghavan, EkStep, Srinath Reddy, PHFI, Ramji Raghavan (Agastya Foundation), Amirullah Khan (CDPP), Manoj Gopalakrishnan (Care India) and most probably Ganesh Natarajan (5F World).
The first edition of this conference coincides with the formal inauguration of IIITH’s Raj Reddy Centre for Technology and Society (RCTS) to celebrate Raj Reddy’s passion for research that helps the very root of the pyramid. This is also to stress the importance of combining technology-based solutions in the realm of rural education and healthcare and directly working with NGOs and grassroots organisations to build and provide AI and modern tech solutions. Multiple such projects are already underway with a few important NGOs.
About Raj Reddy Centre at IIITH:
Among its many courses across multiple departments and centres, Raj Reddy Centre is an initiative by IIITH to make research and emerging technological solutions accessible to the grassroots organisations working on education and healthcare for the rural population.
The root issue faced by the rural people, the bottom of the social pyramid, is related to the unavailability to modern healthcare and education. Many NGOs have been working on this but a lot of them do not really have much access to cutting-edge technological solutions. This creates a limitation to create an impact of utmost scale.
Access to modern technology and research work will most likely enhance the effect. The centre will work on two broad areas for creating the highest social impact: innovations in rural education and innovation in healthcare for the underprivileged sections of society.
Candidates who are interested in pursuing their career in B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, can seek admission to IIIT Hyderabad on the basis of their JEE Main exam scores.
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