IIT Jodhpur: Researchers Develop Transistors With Biodegradable Gelatin As Electrical Insulator

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur has developed transistors as electrical insulators with biodegradable gelatin in a breakthrough toward 'Green Electronics'.

Flexible Large Area Microelectronics (FLAME) research group at IIT Jodhpur headed by Professor Shree Prakash Tiwari, developed this transistor.

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The research group used a unique amino acid profile with the natural protein gelatin, for the fabrication of high-performance organic field-effect transistors.

For several years, the IIT Jodhpur FLAME research group has been working in the field of green technologies for organic and flexible electronics.

Vivek Raghuwanshi, research scholar and FLAME group member mentioned that along with the circuit application, the transistors can monitor health indicators.

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The transistor could also be used as a breath rate analyzer, which is still a developing area. American Chemical Society’s Applied Electronic Materials journal has recently published the work, said Raghuwanshi.

Most of the researchers of the FLAME group were from IIT Jodhpur’s Electrical Engineering Department. They have also worked for the development of organic semiconductors on unconventional substrates, such as paper.

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Raghuwanshi stated, “The transistors on paper showed a remarkable stability in ambient mode for more than six months.”

The gelatin transistors could be used as prototypes of human health and breath analyzers based on the quick reaction with immediate response and recovery time under the humidity exposure test and acted as an effective sensor.

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Through further research and development, full fledged equipment could be manufactured.

Green Electronics is considered to be extremely important for environment-friendly manufacturing technologies for the future, said IIT Jodhpur Prof. Tiwari.

The FLAME group's research work would make a huge impact on the Internet of Things. Pulkit Saxena, Sachin Rahi, Ajay Kumar Mahato, and Ishan Varun are the other FLAME group members involved in the research on the biodegradable device.

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