JAC Delhi Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021 (Out) for B.Tech @jacdelhi.nic.in; Direct Link Here

Joint Admission Counseling, JAC Delhi Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021 result is out today, on November 22, 2021. Candidates who have applied for the B.Tech counselling procedure may obtain additional information about the allotted list by visiting the official website, jacdelhi.nic.in.

As per the schedule of JAC Delhi Counselling 2021, eligible candidates can pay the academic fees using the JAC Delhi portal from November 23 to 26, 2021. 

Candidates who have been offered a seat in this round will be required to pay the admission fee of INR 1,12,000 using a payment link provided in their account. The admission committee will review the papers and determine the status of the entry fee payment according to the timetable.

Following this, the fourth phase of registration will take place on November 29, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 11:59 p.m and the phase 2 counselling will start on December 6, 2021. All registered candidates who do not have a slot at any of the participating institutes are eligible to enter phase 2 of the counselling process. 

Download JAC 2021 Schedule PDF 

JAC Delhi Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021: How to Check?

Candidates must also follow the processes outlined below in order to get the JAC Delhi Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021 order.

  • Visit the official website, jacdelhi.nic.in
  • Click on ‘JAC Delhi B.Tech 2021 registration and login’ link available
  • To login enter the credentials
  • Check and save the allotment letter from the third round of counselling
  • Take out a hardcopy for further verification.

On November 9, 2021, the result of the round 2 seat allotment was announced. Candidates are recommended to change their passwords at regular intervals for safety purposes. If admitted applicants do not desire any branch/institute upgrades based on their submitted options, they can freeze their assigned seats. Stay updated on the official website for additional information on the JAC Delhi Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021.

JAC Delhi Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021: Important Dates



Round 3 Seat Allotment 2021 Result

November 22, 2021

Payment of Academic Fees

November 23 to 26, 2021

Round 4 Registration

November 29, 2021 (10 am to 11:59 pm)

Phase 2 Counselling

From December 6, 2021

About JAC Delhi

Joint Admission Counseling (JAC) Delhi is conducted for admission to BE/ B.Tech and B.Arch programs in 5 state-level institutes of Delhi. JEE Main Paper-1 scores are considered for admission to BE and B.Tech programs, JEE Main Paper-2 scores are considered for admission to B.Arch courses. JAC Delhi 2021 participating institutes are:
