Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examination has provided the opportunity to upload and submit the necessary documents and certificates for JKCET 2020 and JKPET 2020 Applicants.
According to the notification released by JKBOPEE, all those applicants who have applied for common entrance test courses or three year diploma polytechnic courses but have failed to upload all the documents or certificates can do so before the last date.
The last date to upload documents for JKCET 2020 applicants is August 26, 2020 (till 4:00 PM) while for JKPET 2020 applicants is August 21, 2020 (till 4:00 PM).
The list of all those candidates who have uploaded incomplete documents have been released by the exam conducting authorities. The list contains details such as name of the candidate, father’s name, registration number, and documents required.
Applicants are advised to submit their pending documents or certificates at BOPEE Office Srinagar/Jammu physically or through email at bopeehelpdesk@gmail.com.
Also, it is necessary for the CET and PET applicants to keep their domicile ready at the time of counselling.