JNTUK New Procedure For Apply OD, PC, CMM & Other Certificates

In view of COVID-19 pandemic and as per the directions of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, JNTUK, the subsequent new procedure is adopted for the issue of Tatkal PC, CMM, OD, Migration and other certificates by the University Examination Center with effect from June 01, 2020.

The students can apply for Original Degree, PC/CMM, Migration Certificates, Genuinity Certificates, etc at www.jntukexams.net following which the certificates are going to be posted to the address specified by the candidates.

Click here to apply for JNTUK 2020 Original Degree

Click here to apply for JNTUK 2020 PC/CMM

For obtaining Provisional Certificate under TATKAL scheme, the student has to pay the fee online at www.jntukexams.net and submit the specified document viz.applications, SSC, marks memos, etc to the concerned colleges. After verification of applications, the universities will submit the applications before 12 Noon everyday to the University Examination Branch through examination portal. The TATKAL PC applications are going to be proceeded immediately and a soft copy is going to be sent to the candidate and the Principal of the school within 24 hours and the hard copy is going to be sent by post to the address given.

For Transcripts, Duplicate PC & CMM, Duplicate OD, Duplicate Marks memos, etc, the students got to pay required fee online at www.jntukexams.net and submit the document by post to “The Controller of Examinations, JNTUK, Kakinada”. The requested certificates are going to be sent by post to the address given. apart from Original Degree and TATKAL PC, an amount of Rs.50/- are going to be collected towards the postal charges added to the traditional fee. the students could also be informed accordingly.
