Kashmir University: Unclear on Exam Mode, Students Confused; Read Here

During the Jammu and Kashmir Youth National Conference held on Tuesday, the ambivalent attitude of the Kashmir University to conduct the law students' exams in the university’s law faculty was discussed. 

The officials stated that the undecided attitude of Kashmir University disturbed the students and cost them their precious time.

Salman Ali Sagar, Provincial President, criticized Kashmir University in a statement stating that the administration has caused its failure to hold impending online exams of Law students. 

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Nearly 400 law students were waiting for an online examination. The notifications of which were published online. Now suddenly the mode of examination has been changed to offline, and the date sheet for the same has been published, while Jammu University will conduct an LLB examination through online mode. The law students from KU are demanding that the examination shall be conducted online as decided earlier,” he added.

He further stated that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic makes the online mode essential since it helps to adhere to social distancing norms. The conduct of exams in offline mode will put the safety of all the students and their families at high risk.

The students affiliated with Kashmir University law faculty are suffering continuously due to the University's and higher education department’s laid-back concern. 

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During the meeting, he also mentioned, “The law students affiliated with the University of Kashmir already face a delay of one and a half years because of post 5th August 2019 clampdown and subsequent COVID-19 lockdown. The naïve attitude of the concerned authorities, the students' decry, has put their future at stake. Regrettably, university administration, and the concerned higher education department are playing with the future of students.”

Furthermore, YNC Provincial President appealed that the final semester exams are conducted in the online mode as notified by the concerned varsities earlier. 

He requested the Kashmir University to go online to help maintain social distancing and required COVID-19 measures. He also insisted to the authorities, to ensure that students don’t have to face any inconvenience at any level while appearing for the exam.

Read: Kashmir University to Give First Semester Undergraduate Exams Online amid Coronavirus
