Kashmir University: Vice-Chancellor Inaugurates 2-Day Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics

Professor Talat Ahmad, the Vice-Chancellor of Kashmir University (KU) inaugurated a 2-day national level conference on the topic ‘Emerging Trends in Mathematics’ on December 15, 2020. 

The conference was organized along with the Mathematics Day celebration by the Department of Mathematics, KU in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.

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The objective of this conference was to give exposure regarding the importance of mathematics and its utility in other subjects to young faculty members as well as students in the University, colleges and other institutions. 

Professor Talat of KU said that the applicability of mathematics can easily be found in each and every aspect of life and hence it is important that young people keep up with the emerging trends in the field of mathematics to ensure that they do not lag behind. 

He concluded by saying, “A fairly good knowledge of basic mathematics will lead young minds to develop their own understanding and reasoning abilities and, consequently, take appropriate and logical decisions,”

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The VC of KU also stressed on drawing new students towards the field of mathematics. He believed that this could be achieved by inculcating an inquisitiveness regarding the subject from the elementary level itself. 

Registrar Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mir joined the conference as a special guest. He said that because of mathematics, all other disciplines appear to be simple. He also impressed upon the academics of the field to ensure that the subject became more friendly and popular. 

He also assured the full support of Kashmir University will be provided to all the future endeavors of the University’s Mathematics Department.

Professor BA Zargard, HOD Mathematics and the Convener of the Conference highlighted the importance of such events and the contribution of the faculty members. 

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Professor Zargard said, “The main aim of this event is to expose budding researchers and young faculty members to the current and emerging areas of mathematical research and applicability.” 

Dr Mukhtar Ahmad Khanday was the organizing secretary of the conference and he welcomed the guests and participants. He conducted the proceedings of the inauguration ceremony of the conference.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, only 30 participants attended the conference in offline mode, while the rest of them joined the online session. 

The event was attended by Prof M H Gulzar, Prof M Abdullah, Prof M A Sofi, Prof S Pirzada, Prof Tariq Cheshti, Prof Tariq Shikari and a number of scholars and students. The vote of thanks was presented by Dr. M A Mir.

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