KEAM 2020: First Allotment List Released on October 7, Pay Fees till October 10, Check; Read How to Check

The first phase allotment list for KEAM 2020 has been published on October 7, check the official website to get the KEAM 2020 First Allotment Result. Get Full Details here

On October 4, KEAM 2020 Trial Allotment was published and applicants were given time to add and organise the course-college options until October 6 (10.00 am).

Also Read: KEAM 2020: Trial Allotment List (Available) at, Details Here

KEAM 2020 Important Dates

Events Dates(Revised)

Declaration of Results

September 9, 2020
Declaration of Rank List September 24, 2020
Trial Allotment List October 4, 2020 (Revised)
First Allotment List October 7, 2020 (Released)

The first phase allocation for the KEAM 2020 exam has been released by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE) today, i.e. 7 October, as per the notification available on the official website.

Applicants receiving an allotment must pay the fee shown in the allotment memo to any of the Kerala Head / Post Offices or through online payment till October 10.

Applicants who do not pay the fee on or before the date prescribed for the same date will lose their allocation and all existing options in the stream to which the allocation belongs.

In the subsequent stages, the options once lost will not be available.

It may be noted that, in due course, the schedule for further allotments will be notified.

Also Read: KEAM 2020 Rank List Declared on September 24, Check Here​

KEAM 2020: How to Check the Allotment List

Step 1: Visit the KEAM 2020 official website

Step 2: Click on the log-in for the candidate and enter your credentials

Step 3: Click and download the Allotment List

Step 4: Check the result

KEAM 2020 First Allotment: List of Colleges Participating

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will be making allotments in the First Phase to the various Professional Degree courses such as Engineering and Pharmacy courses in the following Colleges:

  1. Government/Aided Engineering Colleges
  2. Engineering College Under Kerala Agricultural University
  3. Engineering Colleges Under Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University
  4. Engineering Colleges Under Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies
  5. Government Controlled/University Controlled Self-financing Engineering Colleges
  6. Private Self-financing Engineering Colleges under Kerala Catholic Engineering College Management Association (KCECMA)
  7. Private Self-financing Engineering Colleges under Kerala Self Financing Engineering College Management Association (KSFECMA)
  8. Government Pharmacy Colleges
  9. Self-financing Pharmacy Colleges

A total of 56,599 students qualified for the engineering stream admission and 44,390 students qualified for the pharmacy stream admission.

A total of three allotment lists were released last year, and this year the same number is expected. Those who do not pay fees after each list will not be eligible to be admitted to the allotted seat within the time limit issued after each list and will be moved to the next list according to the rules.

Also Read: KEAM 2020: CEE Invites New Applications and Addition of Courses for Admission to Architecture, Medical and Allied Programs, Check Details​
