Kerala LLB Admissions Mop Up Allotment Round Begins; Check Details Here

The mop-up allotment round of filling all the vacant seats in the LLB courses in various colleges across Kerala state has begun.

Candidates who wish to apply for the mop-up round can submit their options online before 4 pm on October 14, 2020. 

On Saturday, An official from the office of the controller of the entrance exam said that the allotment of the seat via the mop-up round will be done for both the third year and fifth year candidates who have taken the integrated LLB course. 

Check: List Of Top LLB Colleges In Kerala Based On 2020 Ranking 

Candidates can visit the official website and check their allotments. Moreover, all the allotments of the seats will be done based on the online submission of the options. 

Who can submit the options? 

  • Candidates who failed to claim the previously allotted seats. 
  • Those who haven't been allotted seats. 
  • Those who have surrendered their seats. 

Candidates can make use of the mop-up allotment round by submitting the options online to all the courses and colleges of their choice. 

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In case, A candidate fails to submit the option within the due course of time, and if he submits it later, the option will not be considered. 

Candidates who are shortlisted under the mop-up allotment round must appear for the admissions in the respective institutes, before 3 pm on October 23, 2020.