KNRUHS Notifies of Web-Options For Second Phase Counseling For BDS Admissions

New Delhi: Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) has notified about the conduct of second phase of web-based counseling for allotment of vacant seats after first phase of counseling for BDS courses under Management Quota for 2022-23 in Private Dental Colleges in the state of Telangana including Army Dental College in the state of Telangana.

Candidates may exercise web-options from a computer with an internet connection if their names are featured in the preliminary final merit list of BDS Admissions on the KNRUHS website and they meet the requirements listed below.

  • Candidates who received seats in the first round of counselling under the management quota but have not enrolled in or dropped out of the relevant college's course are ineligible to exercise their options.
  • Candidates who did not exercise their web options during the Management Quota's first round of counselling are also ineligible to do so. 
  • Candidates who are admitted in the All India Quota Counseling after the second phase of counselling are ineligible to use web choices.
  • Candidates who received BDS seats through the first round of Management Quota counselling and enrolled in the programme are also qualified to exercise web choices for an upgrade, and they are advised to do so.
  • After being assigned in the second round of counselling, candidates are not allowed to leave the course or stop taking it. Because they won't be able to renounce their seat in the second phase of counseling, first phase admitted candidates are advised to make a thoughtful decision about continuing. 
  • In addition, candidates won't be permitted to take part in any more counselings of AIQ/State counselings after joining in Second phase as per Hon'ble Supreme Court orders.
  • Candidates who signed up for a seat in the second round of counselling for the All India Quota, Any State, or Deemed Universities are ineligible to participate in this round. Any applicant who does so will automatically have their admission revoked and face legal consequences if the University discovers the violation at any point or later.
  • According to their registration and eligibility for the B & C (NRI) categories, all eligible candidates whose names are listed in the Provisional Final Merit List for Management Quota on the KNR UHS website may exercise web options for admission into BDS seats from 8 AM to 5:00 PM on December 4, 2022.

Candidates can refer to the notices on October 19, 2022, for qualifying requirements and regulations.

University Fee: The following university fees must be paid by allotted candidates through the payment gateway using an online payment method (Debit Card, Credit Card, or Internet Banking), and the allotment letter must be downloaded. Candidates who paid their university fees in the first round do not need to pay them again.

For C-Category (NRI): For B-Category: 20,000.00 BDS 40,000.00 BDS

Tuition Fee: Tuition must be paid at the appropriate dental colleges. The tuition amount as announced by the Telangana government in GO Ms No. 5, HM&FW (C1) Department, dated 27. 01.2022 (notified on KNRUHS web site) (notified on KNRUHS web site)

Note to Remember:

  • The details of seats available (seat matrix) are available on the website @ 
  • Candidates can exercise web options for BDS seats in all Dental Colleges under KNRUHS through @
  • According to the GO.Ms.No.130 HM&FW (C1) Department, Dated:27.09.2022, 85% of the seats in Management Quota B Category are reserved for Telangana State residents, and 15% of the seats are open to applicants from across the nation. Priority will be given to 15% of the available seats that are not reserved, then seats in the Management Quota B category that are reserved for local candidates.
  • The selection process described in Government Orders G.O.Ms.No. will be followed when allocating seats. HM&FW (C1) Dept., 115 & 116 HM&FW(C1)Dept. G.O.Ms. Nos. 117 and 118, dated 5/7/2017. Dated: 20-07-2017, with subsequent amendments, G.O.Ms.No.125, 126, 127, HM&FW (C1) Department, Dated: 22-09-2022, G.O.Ms.No.130, HM&FW (C1) Department, Dated: 27-09-2022, and other government orders, university rules, and pertinent Hon'ble Supreme Court and High Court orders.
  • Before using the web options for the regulations, candidates are advised to read the Prospectus and the Government Orders on Rules of UG Admissions available on the website.
  • Candidates are advised that only the category(ies) to which they have registered will be considered for them. (B/NRI). 

Important Instructions to Candidates:

  • All the eligible NEET-UG-2022 qualified applicants can exercise web alternatives for Management Quota BDS seats in all Dental Colleges according to their interest and priority using a computer with an online connection and the website 
  • Before using web options, candidates are advised to read the BDS course prospectus and regulations, both of which are available on the website.
  • Candidates using the BDS course's web-options are advised that there is no cap on the amount of selections they can make. Candidates can use the web to exercise their selections for as many colleges as they are qualified to attend.
  • Candidates are advised to use their web options for BDS seats in all colleges they are interested in attending, regardless of the number of open seats indicated in the seat matrix, as openings will occur during the counselling process as a result of candidates moving from the seats they were allotted in the first phase of counselling to other seats in the second phase of counselling based on their web options. Candidates shouldn't choose a college if they are not interested in attending one.
  • The seat assigned in the first phase of counselling will be automatically cancelled and given to the other candidate if a seat is allotted in this phase of counselling in accordance with web options exercised by the candidate in this phase of counselling. Candidates are advised to carefully consider their web alternatives for sliding in light of this reality.
  • Candidates must exercise their B category alternatives and, if qualified, their C (NRI) options in the order of importance for the course and college. According to the candidate's exercised web options, allocations will be made in the order of their expressed preferences.
  • In accordance with AWES regulations, management quota seats at the Army Dental College are only available to the children of Army personnel.
  • Candidates can exercise their options online from home or any other location with internet access. Candidates are advised to print their stored options.
  • When saving web choices, a One Time Password (OTP) will be provided to the registered mobile. The password is a SIX letter code in English capitals, from A to Z (for more information, read the instructions to the candidates before presenting them with your choices.
  • If a candidate is given a seat, they will receive an SMS on the registered mobile number they provided. After each stage of counseling, candidates are required to login to check the status of their allocation on the website.
  • Following payment of the university fee via the gateway method using an online payment method (Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking), the selected candidates must download the allotment letter from the website. Candidates should review their allotment information and report to the college's principal on or before the date noted on the letter of allocation.
  • In order to complete the admissions procedure, selected candidates must report to the principal of the respective institution before the deadline for joining as noted on the letter of allocation, present all original documentation, post the required bonds, and pay the tuition or college fee. The admission procedure will be immediately cancelled and the candidate will not be admitted if they do not meet the aforementioned requirements to finish it before the deadline for joining.
  • The original certificates will be forwarded to the relevant college after admissions have closed if the candidate transfers to another college during the second phase of counselling in colleges affiliated with KNRUHS. Candidates must be released from their first-phase college, receive a caretaker certificate, pay fees, and report to the institution they have been assigned by the deadline for entering.
  • This notice informs applicants that the final examination of their original certificates will take place at the college to which they have been assigned. If there are any discrepancies, the provisional allotment will be revoked, and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with university regulations.
  • In order to be eligible for a seat under the NRI Quota, applicants must present an original sponsorship letter from an NRI relative, a copy of their passport, proof of residency, or a bank statement.
  • Candidates are advised that in accordance with the Honorable Supreme Court's directives and MCC/DGHS, Government of India notification no. Dated U-12021/01/ 2022-MEC. 12.07.2022, in compliance with GO.Ms. No. Dated 109 HM & FW Department. After the second phase of counselling, admitted candidates are not allowed to drop out of the course after August 22, 2022. Additionally, admitted candidates are informed that they will not be eligible for subsequent rounds of All India quota and State counselling if they joined up to round 2. (Competent Authority Quota and Management Quota).
  • Admitted candidates who decide to drop out of the programme after the second round of counselling in order to receive their original certificates must pay a discontinuation penalty of Rs. 20 lakhs in accordance with government guidelines.
  • Under no circumstances is the university fee that has already been paid refundable.
  • The following phone lines may be called if the candidate has any difficulties: Regarding technological difficulties when using web options: contact: or phone 9392685856, 7842542216, or 9059672216.
  • Call 9490585796 and 8500646769 (10.30 AM to 5.00 PM only) or send an email to for clarifications on the regulations.
  • Call 9959101577 for payment gateway troubles.

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