KNRUHS Postpones Theory, Regular & Supplementary Exams 2020; MD Unani Supplementary Exam to Begin From Nov 3; Check Details Here

Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) has issued an official notice stating postponement of all the theory, supplementary and regular examinations. Accordingly, all exams scheduled for UG, PG, AYUSH, and MSc Nursing courses have been postponed until further notice.

Earlier the KNRUHS released an exam table in which exams were scheduled to commence from October 19, 2020. 

Check KNRUHS Admission Details 2020

Exam Date
BAMS  Postponed from October 19, till further notice.
MSc Nursing
MD Homoeo 
MD Ayurveda  November 2020
MD Unani (Part-1)

Students need to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance to appear for any examination of their respective courses.

ReadMedical Students Urge Telangana Governor to Postpone PG Medical Exams

KNRUHS Supplementary Exam 2020: MD Unani and MD Ayurveda time table

College administration has released the time table for MD Unani and Ayurveda supplementary examination time table on its official website. The exam will commence from November 03 and will be completed by November 09, 2020. Given list details about the time-table of both subjects.

Dates MD Unani MD Ayurveda
November 03, 2020 Research Methodology and Biostatistics
  • Research Methodology & Statistics
November 05, 2020
  • Moalejat: Itlaqi Hayati Keemiya wa Janinyat (Clinical Biochemistry and Genetics)
  • 2. Ilmul Advia: Qawanin e Advia (Principles of Unani Pharmacology) 
  • .Amrat-e-Niswan-wa-Qabalat: Hayaati Kemiya-wa-Itaqui Janiniyat (Biochemistry and Genetics) 
  • Tahafuz-wa-Samaji Tib: Epidemiology 
  • Kulliyat-e-Tib: Hayati Keemiya-wa-Itlaqi Afal-ul-Aza (Biochemistry and Applied Physiology)
  • Kaya Chikitsa 
  • Shalya Tantra 
  •  Shalakya Tantra
  • Prasuti and Striroga 
  •  Dravyaguna 
  • Panchakarma 
  • Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanth
November 07, 2020
  • Moalejat: Usoole Tashkees wa Tajveez (Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment) 
  • Ilmul Advia: Ilmul wa sful Aqaqeer (Pharmacology)
  • Amrat-e-Niswan-wa-Qabalat: Italaqi Tashreeh wa Munafeul Azha (Applied Anatomy and Physiology) 
  • Tahafuz-wa-Samaji Tib: Asbabe Sitta Zaroriya 
  • Kulliyat-e-Tib: Kulliyat-e-Umoor-e-Tabiya-I (Arkan,Mizaj, Akhilat wa Aaza)
November 09, 2020
  • Moalejat: Ilaj bil Tadbeer (Regimental Therapy) 
  • Ilmul Advia: General, Systemic and Experimental Pharmacology
  • Tahafuz-wa-Samaji Tib: Environmental Health and Sanitation 
  • Kulliyat-e-Tib: Kulliyat-e-Umoor-e-Tabiya-II (Arwah, Quawa Afal)

KNRUHS Supplementary Exams 2020: Fee details

Students have to pay the following amount to appear in the examination:

  •  Per Subject ₹1000 (For Supplementary Students) 
  •  Marks Memo ₹300
  •  Processing fee ₹350

If the students can also pay offline via demand draft.DD should be drawn in favor of “THE REGISTRAR, KNRUHS” payable at Warangal must reach the University by 31.10.2020 04:00 pm.

Also Check: NEET Cut off 2020 for MBBS, BDS, Ayush
