Madras University to Conduct Online Academic Classes from August 3

The University of Madras has released a circulation regarding the commencement of Online Classes for Intermediate semester students of both UG and PG courses from August 3.

The Circulation to all Madras University affiliated colleges released on Thursday, has instructed the teachers to conduct classes through an online platform. Teachers are instructed to upload the video lectures after a thorough review by the subject experts.

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The Circular also mentioned that the classes for 1st year students will be held from August 19, while the admission process will end by September 10.

Madras University Affiliated colleges have been instructed to maintain a proper directory of emails/mobile numbers of the students as confidential entities.

The Circular has also mentioned to maintain attendance of the students on a regular basis for each of the online sessions and this should be filed in the respective departments of Madras University for future evaluations.

The College Administration must provide the basic IT infrastructure to the teachers to conduct the online lectures easily, read the circular.

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The colleges must conduct practical sessions to demonstrate the subject matter in an effective way to the students via online classes. 

The University is also looking ahead to conduct the examinations through an online medium, thus colleges are hereby instructed to maintain proper documentations regarding the sessional tests, seminars for award of marks, says the Registrar.
