MAH CET 2020: CAP Round 1 Cut Off Released for MBA; Check Important Details Here

Maharashtra CET has released the cut-offs for the round 1 Centralised Admission Process (CAP) to provide admission in MBA and MMS programs. Get important details here.

MBA cut off for most of the popular colleges in Maharashtra that offers MBA program such as JBIMS, SIMSREE, Welingkar, PUMBA, XIMR and SIES College of Management Studies are announced to be more than 99 percentile. 

Candidates who are participating in the MAH CET 2020 counselling process for MBA admission should complete the admission process under the Round 1 CAP from January 13 to 15, 2021. 

Also Read: MAH MBA CET Final Merit List 2020 Released, Read Details Here

MAH CET 2020: MBA Cut off for CAP Round 1

Candidates can check the following tabulation to know the MAH CET cut off announced for the admission in MBA program at various colleges for the Round 1 CAP. 


MAH CET 2020 Cut Off

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai


Sydenham Institute of Management Studies & Research & Entrepreneurship Education (SIMSREE), Mumbai


Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai


Department of Managemental Sciences (PUMBA), Pune University


SIES College of Management Studies, Mumbai


College of Engineering, Pune


Xavier Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai


Chetana’s Ramprasad Khandelwal Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai


MET’s Institute of Management, Mumbai


Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management, Mumbai


Thakur Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai


Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai


Indira College of Engineering & Management, Pune

103 (raw score)

Shree C. E. Society’s Indira Institute of Management, Pune

102 (raw score)

Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai


Alkesh Dinesh Modi Institute for Financial & Management Studies, Mumbai


Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur


S.C.E.S Indira School of Business Studies, Tathwade


St. Francis Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai


Indira Global Business School, Parandwadi Pune


Usually, MAH CET Counselling is held by the end of May. But because of the lockdown imposed due to the spread of COVID 19, the announcement of MAH CET 2020 result was delayed which caused a delay in the MAH CET 2020 Counselling too. 

MAH CET 2020 Counselling for MBA or MMS courses is conducted in two rounds. Candidates who have appears and secured a valid score in the XAT, MAT, ATMA, GMAT, CAT and CMAT examinations can also participate in the counselling process to get admission in MBA programs offered in Maharashtra Institutes. 

Also Read: Top Institutes Participating in MAH CET MBA Counselling 2020
