MAKAUT Odd Sem Exam 2022: Mock Test Live; Check Important Documents to Upload

New Delhi: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), West Bengal, has commenced the online mock test for the MAKAUT odd sem exam 2022, from today, March 4, which will be concluded tomorrow, March 5, 2022. 

MAKAUT is conducting the mock test sessions through the online mode to make the students familiar with the online examination system. The mock test is being held for MAKAUT Odd semester (1st semester). 

MAKAUT Odd Sem Exam 2022: Mock Test Live; Check Important Documents to Upload

The university is conducting the mock tests of the MAKAUT odd sem for a duration of an hour. The mock test will consist of general questions. 

In order to attend the online mock tests in the scheduled time, students are required to login to their account and appear for the exam at the designated slot. 

MAKAUT Admissions 2022

MAKAUT Odd Sem Exam 2022: Mock Test Schedule 

Students must appear for the MAKAUT mock tests according to the exam schedule tabulated below. 

Date  Program name/ Slots Time 
March 4 & March 5, 2022 Slot I  11 AM to 12 noon 
Slot II 2 PM to 3 PM
Slot III 4 PM to 5 PM 

MAKAUT Odd Sem Exam 2022: Course & Slots

Students can go through the table and check their courses and the allotted slots to appear for the mock tests that will be held for 2 days, March 4 - 5, 2022. 

Name of the Course  Slots 
B.Tech  Slot - I 
BCA  Slot - II
BBA (H)  Slot - II
B.Sc (H)  Slot - II

MAKAUT Time Table 2022

MAKAUT Odd Sem Exam 2022: Uploading of Documents 

The university has also released a notice notifying students to upload their necessary documents such as their recent passport size photographs and their signature before appearing for the mock test examination. 

The students can upload their photographs and signature by logging into their account on the examination portal. Students should note that it's mandatory to upload the photographs and signature to download the admit card to appear for the MAKAUT Odd semester exam 2022. 

In case of further information or query, students are advised to contact their respective colleges for help and assistance. 

Also Read: IIIT Hyderabad to Offer Course on Machine Learning for Chemistry, Drug Design 
