MJP Rohilkhand University to Debar Final-Year Students with COVID-19 from Taking Exams

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University has stated that students who have COVID-19 and are undergoing treatment will not be allowed to take examinations.

The administration of MJPRU said that it will soon decide when such students will be allowed to take their examinations, and they will be informed accordingly. According to the Supreme Court, universities must hold examinations for students in their final year. Otherwise, such students cannot be promoted.

A student of MJPRU who had tested positive for COVID-19 but has recovered will be allowed to take the examination.

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 have been asked to inform their respective college authorities about their medical condition as soon as possible and submit a medical certificate along with test reports.

Also Read: MJPRU Rohilkhand University Exam Dates 2020: Final Exam Starts August 15

Students in their first and second years will be promoted without having to take examinations. They will be marked on the basis of assignments, practicals and attendance. According to Dr. Amit Singh, the head of the department of law of the university, the decision regarding when final-year students with COVID-19 will be allowed to take their examination will be made after 30 September.

According to the university, the final-year examinations will be held across all college affiliates with COVID-19 protocols being followed.

The associate professor said, “Screening of students is mandatory before entering the exam halls while cleaning of hands, wearing of face masks, maintaining social distancing, etc., shall also be followed.

“Students having high body temperature shall be made to sit in a separate hall during the exams as a precautionary measure.” 
