Madurai Kamaraj University has decided to conduct the April 2020 semester exam, non-semester exam, and arrear examination of distance education courses on December 2, 2020.
The examination at Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) will be conducted for both UG and PG courses offered at distance education level on online mode.
The Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) at MKU stated that the online examination will commence for B.Ed courses on December 2 and for the other courses, the examination will be conducted from December 10, 2020.
The examinations for MKU distance education courses were scheduled to be conducted till the end of December 2020.
Also Read: MKU Distance Education: Courses Offered
Candidates could check the timetable for the examination which is published at the official website of MKU -
Candidates who have paid the examination fees only will be permitted to write the examination. Candidates could download the admit card in advance from the official website of MKU.
The Examination is conducted at MKU on online mode and candidates need to download the question paper and write the answers from their home.
The answers are to be written with pen and paper and candidates could submit the answer script through either online mode or offline mode within one hour of the completion of the examination.
For online submission of answer scripts, candidates could upload the scanned copies within one hour of completion of examination duration.
For offline submission, candidates could either submit the answer script at the nearby center or send it by registered post with a time stamp.
If the candidates were found to be indulged in malpractices or if the answer scripts were not submitted within the allotted time, then the answer scripts would not be considered for evaluation.
Also Read: MKU Distance Education: Admission 2020