MUHS Instructs Its Medical Colleges On Conduct of Pending Internal Assessment for Winter 2020 Exams

The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, (MUHS) has recently instructed its medical colleges on the conduct of pending Internal Assessment examination for Winter-2020 examinations. 

As per the notice issued by the MUHS controller of examinations, Dr Pathak has informed all the deans and principals of the concerned colleges that the internal assessment examinations, which are pending due to the present situation during the lockdown, can be conducted as per the simplified procedure.

Check Official Notification Here

For the convenience of students, the simplified procedure has been proposed so that the students are not disturbed during the lockdown period

With the simplified procedure, students can attend the tests from their places of residence without any additional requirements of computer hardware (laptops, desktops, printers etc) or software. 

However, If lockdown ends in between the ongoing internal assessment examination, institutes have the discretion to shift to routine physical mode, if all students can physically join. 

The simplified methodology is illustrative. Institutes can change it (Question paper sending, Answer sheet receiving mode etc) as per their convenience.

In case any student misses the internal assessment examinations due to any reason, colleges are advised to conduct their examinations after the lockdown period is over, before the final examinations. 

As per the notice, all colleges shall send the internal assessment marks of these examinations and final internal assessment marks to the University.

Read More: MUHS: Final year UG Exams stands deferred until further notice
